

If You Are Looking for the Truth

especially what "they" are hiding behind the staid "official" walls

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We don't have much to say about ourselves. After all we are just meat and bones etc. like any one else. What is important, is ones conduct and thoughts, and what effect one has on the world about him or her.

Truth, justice, good deeds, and exposing hidden evil, helping real underdogs etc., without getting into "loony tune" areas, are what moves us.

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See you. Vaya con El Creador.

NEW July 30thNEW

A family account from the Holocaust

Updated July 21th


What The Medical Pros May NOT WANT to Tell You

"Docs Skeleton In The Closet"




Good People Doing Good Things

Good Deeds



Updated July 21th

The Oppressed Populace in

The "Free Democratic" State of Israel

Who Are They?



Updated May 25th

A Painfully True Account of

Perversion of Justice & Cruelty to Children




The Secret Key to True World Peace

& Why It Eludes Us

Peace on Earth



Miscellaneous, not yet categorized etc.


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