What's Happening with the Chiapas Committee

Read Bishop Ruiz's Letter (6-7-98)

Tom Hansen, co-director of the Chiapas media project, gave a presentation on The Power of a People's Video & The Mexican Solidarity Network at the Escuela on Tuesday June 2,1998.

The presentation included the Cleveland premiere of the video - produced by the indigenous community of Morelia and youth from Mexico City and Chicago.

The Chiapas Media Project brings video cameras and training workshops to indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico. The goal is to provide the Indigenous People of Chiapas with tools and training to document their culture as well as human rights abuses by the Mexican government. In February, Tom Hansen, co-director of the project, was expelled by Mexican immigration as part of an ongoing campaign targeting foreigners who do humanitarian aid and human rights work.

Thank you to all who came to this wonderful event. There was great food, a great presentation by Mr. Hansen, and many thought provoking questions. For more information on this project please check out the Chiapas Media Project website. If you have any questions about this or any future presentations please feel free to call the number below.

This event was sponsored by:

Chiapas Committee of Cleveland
Cleveland Committee to end the U.S.Blockade of Cuba
Committee of 500 Years of Dignity and Resistance
Supporters of Navajo Against Relocation
Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice--WILPF


(216) 621-3515