SARA-Southern Albanian Romani Association
SRJ-Shoqata e romeve te jugut
Southern Albanian Romani Association Home Page
ARA, Southern Albanian Romani Association plans to move in here around late November. Stay tuned! :)
A young romani teacher on a Hungarian Roma school.
Mireseardhet ne faqet e ardhshme te SRJ ( Shoqata e romeve te jugut). Se shpejti do te mundohemi te veme ne pune nje faqe te kompletuar dhe organizuar per se miri ne dobi te levizjes sone. Ju lutemi te na vizitoni perseri. Faleminderit !
Per shkak dhe ne konsiderim te sugjerimeve, keshillave dhe, hmm, kerkesave te te dashurve,miqve dhe shokeve tane do te jemi te detyruar ta paraqisim kete faqe ne gjuhen angleze. Gjithashtu do te jemi te detyruar ta mbajme identitetin tone te fshehte per te njejtat arsye. Ju lutem mos na gjykoni dhe keqkuptoni ne baze te ketyre vendimeve te perkohshme. Ju lutem gjithashtu te mbani mend qe themelet e kesaj levizjeje gjejne mbeshtetje ne qellime dhe veprime humane. Faleminderit per vemendjen!
Me respekt dhe dashuri
vellai juaj ne Zot,
Rom Jugu
Hello! This will be the future home of SARA (Southern Albanian Romani Association). We'll try to put up as soon as we can a fully completed and well-organized page about our movement. As for now , and unfortunately the near future, this place will be temporarily under ,hopefully :), major constructions. Please come back again. Thank you!
a gypsy dream.
This page will feature and advocate a long-shot, daring project of our organization's peaceful movement. As for now no part of our dream project is drawn in any paper ( chances are that the web will be our first publishing resource) but we hope and pray that with the help of anyone who sympathizes with our spirit we'll make the impossible happen.
With love and respect,
your brother in God,
Rom Jugu
souls have honored this page with their presence. Thank you! :)
Ever wondered why your

crashes so much?....cos it sucks! Down with the monopoly!
This page is Copyright & copy; 1998, Teresa&Azrael
165 Dewey St
Worcester, MA 01610
Phone:+(508) 795 0832
Last revision:06/20/98