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In today's Middle East,  it looks like it's:
The Bombers of ISLAM 
"Ready... See you in Paradise!"  
(Courtesy of Hamas Gateway Web Site) 
The Many-Colored Faces of JERUSALEM. 
Visitors to Jerusalem's Western Wall
Are you looking for answers to the following questions:
Why can't differences be resolved in a civilized manner? Whose land is it anyway?
Are they going to start another world war? Why does everyone want Jerusalem?
If they all believe in the same God, then why are they so busy killing each other?
Welcome to
The Song of the Dove
A Different Way to Middle East Peace
"Autumn has passed; the winter rains are over and gone. Flower buds are seen on the ground, the time of the nightingale has arrived, and the song of the dove is heard in our Land." (Song of Songs 2:11-12)
If you seek a deeper understanding of:
The Middle East, Jerusalem, Islam, Christianity, Monotheism, God, the Patriarchs, the State of Israel, the Bible, the Koran, Judaism, Inter-Faith Dialog, World Peace, the Military Balance, Prophecy, Redemption, the Holy Land, Hebron, Hebrew, Arabic, the Talmud...
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