
A few things about this web site. This was created by three Communications seniors for their undergraduate thesis in the Ateneo de Manila University, one of the top universities in the Philippines. As their contribution to the Centennial celebration of the country, Jennee Rubrico, Rose Orbigo, and Mae Salvanette Leyson decided to put their heads together and come up with a web site on Philippine Prehistory. To know more about them, click resume.
For three students who started out with absolutely no knowledge on making a web site, this endeavor was undertaken with pure perseverance and determination. A lot of difficulties were encountered along the way, but after seeing the finished product and knowing that we have in our own little way helped our country, all the difficulties are forgotten.
We called our team Aletheia. It is Greek for "revelation," "unveiling," even "truth." We found the name appropriate because this is exaclty the mission of the site--to unveil the truth, to make people more aware of the role of Philippine prehistory in the lives, not only of Filipinos, but of Asians. So take a look.
What you will find in this site
Surprise, surprise, in a world as large as cyberspace,there are less than twenty, maybe even ten, existing web pages on Philippine Prehistory, this one included. This is actually a big improvement, because just a few months back, there was only one. In this site you will find facts, issues that are both resolved and unresolved, theories, and pictures on Philippine Prehistory. For easier surfing, this was divided into three categories, namely: The People, Culture, and Religion.
You'll also find a bibliography of our sources so that, in case you'll need to do research on Philippine Prehistory that's more extensive than this site, you'll know what book to look for.
Plus,a couple of surprises that you'll stumble upon as you go through the pages of our site.
This Page for Philippine Prehistory was made possible through the joint effort of Jennee Rubrico, Rose Orbigo, and Salvanette Leyson, with enormous help from Jessie Evangelista, and the able guidance and support of Mr. Antonio Perez, our thesis adviser. Our deepest gratitude to the people and adviser of the Software Applications Laboratory in the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Without them, this site would not have been possible. This site is copyright 1998 ™ Inc. Pictures and images courtesy of the Philippine National
Museum. Background and logo courtesy of Mark Rubrico, who has a fantastic web site of his
own. Mark, we owe you! Special thanks to Dr. Wilhelm Solheim, Dr. Eusebio Dizon, Mr.
Wilfredo Ronquillo, Dr. Luis Derry, Dr. Doreen Fernandez, the World Atlas of Archeology, Yahoo.com for being the first search engine to add our URL, Paul Manansala, our parents, who stood by us when everything seemed to go wrong and saved us when funds went down the drain, friends who understood when we sacrificed time with them to do our project, loved ones who never tired of giving us the support and encouragement we needed, and everyone who, in one way or the other, had believed in us and helped us in making this site. All glory be to God and to our country.