Tools to help children think and act creatively. Kits & models to create environments for people on the moon, to build cities and roads and fairy gardens, to build space vehicles, to design jewelry, are examples of toys that help develop a child's creativity.
Tools to help children develop physical and behavioral skills.
Bikes and trikes, scooters, wagons, balls, frisbees, and all kinds of team
and individual games are great development tools.
Tools to help children role-play. Toys need to be chosen in the
light of new roles for both females and males. All children should be given
toys to explore being an engineer, inventor, scientist, carpenter, pilot,
etc., and all children need toys that provide experiences of loving and
caring for dolls, carings for a playhouse, cooking and doing dishes and
other home chores.
Tools to help children develop prblem-solving skills. Toys and kits
that help to understand how to use tools, how things fit together and work,
puzzles, games of knowledge, and computer games are great for developing
problem-solving skills.
Think of each toy as a tool to help the child become a successful, caring,
global citizen and you will select the right kind of toy. Choose toys that
develop constructive behavior rather than destructive behavior.
Small World Technologies has been serving educators in the Northwest
for over thirty years. We provide a selection of tools for pre-school through
high school. We are just 14 miles west of Portland on the soon-to-be-open
Westside Light Rail in downtown Hillsboro. If you would like assistance
in selecting children's gifts, we will gladly discuss possibilities. Our
Grand Opening will coincide with the of the Northside MAX to Hillsboro,
September 12th. (By appointment only through summer.)