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Toy Gun Turn-In for Kids
Founded By: Cody Hill
Guns Are Not Fun is designed to help change the connection between
kids and firearm violence. It is a program intended to give children an
alternative to violent toys.
Children will be invited to trade in their toy guns for other toys,
gift certificates, art supplies and sports equipment.
This event will be held for the first time in Portland, Oregon,
in the spring of 1998.
Local businesses, toy stores, sports teams, professional associations
and educators will be asked for donations. Students at Jackson Middle School
will hold fund-raising events.
Northeast Community Development Corporation (NECDC), a nonprofit
community organization, will sponsor Guns Are Not Fun as part of its community
outreach program.
Who says Guns Are Not Fun?
My name is Cody Hill. I am an eighth-grade student at Jackson Middle
School. I maintain a 4.0 GPA and live in southwest Portland. Even though
I am not considered at risk, guns have affected my life -- just like they
are affecting the lives of kids all across the country.
When I was in fourth grade a woman came into my school (Buckman Elementary)
and shot at the secretary. Although no one was hurt, it was terrifying
that someone with a gun could come into a school and shoot somebody.
In 1996, I was in Atlanta, Georgia with my family. While I was standing
in front of a candle store, a man walked into the store and pulled out
a gun. A woman yelled, "Oh, my God, don't!" The man shot her three times.
I witnessed the whole thing and will never forget it for the rest of my
I want kids to know that no matter what they see on TV and video games,
and no matter how cool toy guns look, guns are not fun. There are better
games to play.
My program is not about gun control. It is about taking a stance that
guns and kids don't mix...there is nothing fun about a gun. If kids learn
that from an early age, maybe some of the killing will stop. I'd like to
help that happen.
Cody Hill
Article 1 - Eighth-grader isn't just toying with idea of fighting violence.
Article 2 - Thanks to Cody, toy gun exchange is right on target.
Editorial Profile
Small World Technologies - Toy Are Tools
Thank you letter
Please send donations to:
"Guns Aren't Fun" Project
c/o Northeast Community Development Corp
4114 North Vancouver Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97217
Donations are tax deductible
For Information please e-mail: Guns
Aren't Fun
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