Inner Realm of Patria
XLVII Con. Pat.
Annual Message to Congress (at close of
Third Session)
June 24, 2005
Om Purna-Brhama-Swarupinyai Namaha. Salutations to Her who is the
complete manifestation of the Absolute Truth. As we have reached the
three-quarter pole of the 47th Congress, with but one year and six days
remaining in this administration, once again the time has come to
deliver this traditional session-ending message to the members of this
House and to fellow Patriens.
First, though not foremost, while the NHL lockout deprived hockey fans
in Canada and the United States of the entire season and the Stanley
Cup playoffs, the PHL played a full 2004-05
season, culminating in a stirring Kamala Cup final.
Congratulations to the Caesarea Violets. As for the Arboria
Beavers, who were about to “three-peat” as Kamala Cup champs but blew a
3 game to 1 lead, and the Castoropolis Centurions, who came up with one
of the most underwhelming playoff performances in recent memory, there
is always next year.
The battle against spam continues in this third session. While little
has been done to stanch the flow of cyber-crud, Patria continues to
target those who are ultimately responsible: not the gang of spam
lords, not the ISPs with little or no enforcement of acceptable use
policy, but the losers who buy the cut-rate drugs, pump n’dump stocks,
sexual enhancements and other garbage. In the past year, the
“Suckers who bought snake oil” program, in which those dim bulbs who
are known to have purchased anything from spammers, or fallen for
Nigerian scammers, and/or phishers, are publicly shamed and ridiculed,
has become one of the most popular programs on Ramrajyavani-Doordarshan.
Patria’s economy has stabilized somewhat during the course of this
session. But there is still an epidemic of underemployment, still
too many people with advanced qualifications forced to accept low-end
jobs and eke out a subsistence-level living. For those who have
found new jobs during this session, the commonly-heard refrain seems to
be “it still sucks but it doesn’t suck as much [as my old job]” or “I’m
still under-employed but not under-employed as much”. Substantial
pay cuts are not unusual, as those who are so desperate to be working
again have little choice but to accept jobs that pay less than half
their pre-9/11 salary, or prefer to take a permanent minimum-wage job
over a string of contract positions and maternity leave
replacements. Short-term “joblets” that only leave people
unemployed again after a few months are a poor excuse for job
creation. The proliferation of non-permanent, insecure work must
be addressed during the remaining year of the 47th Congress’ mandate
and the 48th Congress campaign. “Use ‘em and dump ‘em” contract
positions with no security or benefits have become an even greater
hot-button economic issue than the epidemic of offshoring or
outsourcing jobs to India, China or the Third World basket case that
can pay the lowest wages.
In April of this year, Patria joined the world in mourning the death of
Pope John Paul II and congratulating the election of Cardinal Ratzinger
as Pope Benedict XVI. While Patria has numerous disagreements
with Roman Catholic doctrine and the church’s apparent tolerance of
child-molesting priests, we nonetheless paid respects to the late Pope
as an anti-Communist lightning rod, who dared challenge the evil Soviet
empire during those dark Cold War days of the late 1970s and early
1980s. For Poles and non-Poles, Catholics and non-Catholics
alike, John Paul II was a beacon of hope to lovers of freedom
On December 26, 2004 the world witnessed a tragedy far worse than 9/11
in terms of lives lost and property damaged. The earthquake that
struck Indonesia and the resulting tsunami that spread death and
destruction to the coasts of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other
countries in South and Southeast Asia touched the hearts and minds of
almost every Patrienish citizen. Of course our House Leader, the
honorable member from the Precinct of Arboria, Mata Amritanandamayi
Devi is in the forefront of the relief efforts. Since the moment the
tsunami hit six months ago, Amma’s Amritapuri
ashram in Kerala has been focusing 100 percent of its resources
towards relief work—providing free food, shelter, medical aid and
emotional support. On January 3, 2005, Amma made international
headlines when she announced that the Ashram would be dedicating one
billion Indian rupees ($23 million U.S.) in aid to reconstruct houses
throughout South India. The Ashram has already built temporary shelters
for some 350 families, distributed cash allotments to thousands, as
well as adopted and financed the education of more than 100
During this session the National Union – once Patria’s
über-apologists for George W. Bush and Tony Blair – have become
almost silent on the war in Iraq. Yes, even the most macho
war-mongering National Unionist now understands that this war is a sham
concocted by a cabal of Israel-toadying neo-cons and Jewish
supremacists, a lie about non-existent WMDs that has left too many dead
and maimed young people in its wake. Even the most
anti-capitalist Social Democrat or Greenie now understands that this
war has little to do with securing a cheap supply of oil to fuel
America’s SUV addiction. Popular opinion in Patria, by those on
both the left and the right, has never been more against the war and
indefinite American occupation of Iraq than it is now at the close of
this session.
Over the course of the past three years, this Congress is not afraid to
be politically incorrect. Patria believes in free speech and
open, non-violent debate of controversial, unpopular, or even the most
loathsome views, including the threat to the survival of the White
race, Western civilization, and the true Aryan culture. Whether
expressing outrage at Israeli brutality against the Palestinian people
or exposing the real causes of the virtually unwinnable Iraq war,
Patria is standing up to organized Jewry – or to the neo-con lackeys
and “kosher Christians” who willingly aid and abet the Jews’ agenda to
control U.S. foreign policy – and thumbing its collective nose at the
thought police of political correctness.
There are many issues to be resolved and much unfinished business on
the order paper before the people of Patria go to the polls to elect
the 48th Congress on April 15, 2006. The election campaign has
already begun, and in the race for the new Congress there will be
bitter partisan conflicts in the months to come. But Patria will
endure, as it has endured for the past 187 years: secure in the Divine
Mother’s loving embrace.
Let us close this session with this simple prayer: lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu.
May all beings in the world be happy!
Pení potentíx ín
mirím investíx Constituxioníx Patriaë,
ímí diclarí Tertilí Sexión
47-íe Congressus Patriaë imán fermití, et
ímí appelí; íllí Congressus
primadíním 19-lí septimbríe 2005 híc
reconvæt, períful inceptán
Quätrílí Sexión 47-íe Congressus
Under the power vested in me by the Constitution of Patria, I declare
closed the Third Session of the 47th Congress, and call this Congress
to re-assemble here on Monday, the 19th of September 2005, to open the
Fourth Session of the 47th Congress.
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Inaugural Address, 2002
Annual message to Congress, 2003
Annual message to Congress, 2004
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©2005, XLVII Con. Pat. The above text is an official
transcription, as published in The
Congressional Record, June 24, 2005, 3·XLVII