I would like to apologize for the delay on my name and address appearing on my web site. I was reluctant at first to put my name there as fear told me my judge would hold it against me the next time in court. And we all know, "there will be a next time". But, I've decided that nothing will happen in the way of correcting these unfair rulings unless people with names stand up and say, "It's not right what these laws are doing, not just to daddies, but to families as well. Many people suffer from this problem and it's time to end it, before one more person is destroyed by a bias system, leaning one way on gender alone. I've joined the Alabama Father's Rights Association and intend to do my part to end this thing they call justice. My name is and I can be contacted by;
Pike County AFRA
P.O. Box 801
Troy, Alabama 36081