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I would like to explain the above picture before women think this is a
macho-hate-women page. It's not. This page is to show, whomever
will take the time to read it, there is a great unfairness going on in
our Alabama courts. Because I personally don't know of any women
destroyed by Rule 32, and I do of men, this page is designed with fathers
in mind. If you can dispute the words written here, please do so,
I have enough proof to last a lifetime. You can contact me at this
e-mail address;
When a man and woman enter a courtroom, they don't enter on the same footing.
A judge may be appointed or elected and to keep his reelection potential alive, he's going
to make the public see a judge that is tough on deadbeat dads and watching
out for poor kids and innocent mothers. Before you think that I believe
the absent parent shouldn't be responsible too, and kids don't need to be taken
care of, please read my article called, 'Deadbeat Dad Syndrome', maybe then
you'll understand. When you're through with that, try 'Can We Talk?, 'Politically Correct', or 'A Good Judge of Christmas'.
Please come back soon and visit me. You can e-mail any comments to