Was a Secret Service man killed on November 22, 1963? (London Free Press, November 22, 1963)

More on that story: Article of Vince Palamara.

Two versions of UPI reporter Merriman Smith's account of the JFK assassination.

Toronto Star Telegram, November 23, 1963

Chicago Tribune, November 24, 1963

Norman Similas

Toronto citizen Norman Similas claims he took a photo of the window from which Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. (Toronto Star Telegram November 23 and 25, 1963, and Hamilton Spectator, November 23, 1963)

More on Norman Similas:

Senator Yarborough terms it "A deed of horror". (Chicago Sun-Times, November 23, 1963)

Toronto citizen Allen Black claims he was in Dealey Plaza at the moment of the shooting. (Toronto Star Telegram, November 1963)

Alan Smith, 14, claims he and his friends were about ten feet from the presidential limousine when President Kennedy was shot. (Globe and Mail, November 23, 1963)

A telephone company executive claims that twenty minutes before the assassination, a woman was overheard whispering, "The President is going to be killed". (Toronto Star Telegram, November 23, 1963)

Excerpt of a press conference given by Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry. (London Free Press, November 23, 1963)

Paris Presse reports that the FBI are "convinced that there were at least two men at the window from which the President was shot". (Two articles) (Toronto Star Telegram, November 1963)

Review of the events on November 22, 1963. (London Free Press, November 23, 1963)

Profile of Lee Harvey Oswald. (London Free Press, November 23, 1963)

Bill Betzner recounts his observations in Dealey Plaza. (Hamilton Spectator, November 23, 1963)


Article detailing the evidence against Oswald. Oswald is asked by a reporter if he aimed at Governor Connally. (Chicago Sun-Times, November 24, 1963)

Article detailing the evidence against Oswald. (Chicago Tribune, November 24, 1963)

Two versions of Dr. Malcolm Perry's account of the activities in the Emergency Room at Parkland Hospital, where Kennedy was treated. (Note: These accounts state that Dr. Perry wrote a contemporaneous account of what happened in the Emergency Room. As far as I know, no such notes have ever surfaced.)

Dr. Malcom Perry

A doctor, a priest, a brave lady. Those who shared the President's final minutes (Chicago Sun-Times, November 24, 1963)

Death in Emergency Room 1 memorable (The Telegraph, Painesville, Ohio, November 25, 1963)

Would a map found in Oswald's belongings prove that Oswald shot Kennedy? (London Times, November 25, 1963)

Did someone on the motorcade route try to warn JFK that he would be killed? (Toronto Star, November 25, 1963)

Toronto Star Telegram reporter Peter Worthington was present at the scene of Lee Oswald's murder. (Toronto Star Telegram, November 25, 1963)

The observations of reporter M. W. Newman who was a few feet from Lee Oswald when he was shot. (Toronto Star, November 25, 1963)

Toronto Fair Play for Cuba Committee Chairman`s opinion on the JFK assassination. (Two articles) (Toronto Star Telegram, November 23 and 25, 1963)

Article on the Tippit family in mourning. (Toronto Star Telegram, November 25, 1963)

Former New Orleans neighbors remember Oswald. (Toronto Star Telegram, November 25, 1963)

Reporter Peter Worthington describes the climate in Dallas following the JFK assassination. (Toronto Star Telegram, November 26, 1963)

"Ventriloquist Bill Demar, who performed at Ruby's Carousel Club, insists that Oswald visited the bar."

"Oswald in Mexico". (Toronto Star Telegram, November 26, 1963)

General Walker

Reporter Peter Worthington`s interview with General Edwin Walker. (Toronto Star Telegram, November 27, 1963)

Speculations about the results of the autopsy report made on President Kennedy. (London Free Press, November 27, 1963)

Article on Lee Oswald's friends, Michael and Ruth Paine, discussing Oswald's personality and activities. (Washington Post, November 28, 1963)

Ruth and Michael Paine

Article on the search done at Oswald's boardinghouse by the Dallas Police. (Washington Post, November 28, 1963)

"Too many questions unanswered in the murder of the president." (Toronto Daily Star, November 28, 1963)

"Oswald was there -at Ruby's club- and participated in one of my skits."

Bill Demar, entertainer at Ruby's club.

"Were Ruby Neighbors?" (Hamilton Spectator, November 28, 1963)

Jack Ruby

"The Jack Ruby mystery". (Toronto Star Telegram, November 29, 1963)

"Why did Ruby tell a friend who was a newspaper reporter that he'd seen the shooting?"

Two articles of Dorothy Kilgallen. (Toronto Star Telegram, November 29, 1963)

Did someone telegraph money to Lee Harvey Oswald for several months before the assassination? (London Free Press, November 30, 1963)

"The Guards Were Fighting Each Other" (The Sunday Times, December 1, 1963)

French journalist Jean Daniel was interviewing Fidel Castro when he learned of JFK's assassination. He reports on Castro's reaction. (The Sunday Times, December 1, 1963)

Dr. Malcom Perry

"New mystery in JFK assassination: What happened to Dr. Perry's Tapes?" (Variety, June 29, 1967)

Winnipeg salesman Richard Giesbrecht claims he heard two men conspiring to kill JFK. (Maclean`s Magazine, November 1967)

More on Richard Giesbrecht: "The Winnipeg Airport Incident Revisted", by Peter Whitmey.

Correspondence between Warren Commission Chief Earl Warren, Warren Commission member John McCloy and Publisher Bernard Geis who published Josiah Thompson's book Six Seconds In Dallas (February 1968)

Roger Craig

Interview of Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig and researcher Penn Jones. (Los Angeles Free Press, March 1968)

"But another rifle, a Mauser, was found up on the roof of the Depository."

Roger Craig, Deputy Sheriff

More on Roger Craig: John McAdams' site

Interview with suspect Lawrence Howard. (Los Angeles Free Press, March 1968)

Interview with Chief Justice Earl Warren by Warren Commission Attorney Alfred Goldberg. (June 22, 1974)

Roger Craig

Excerpt from correspondence of photo analyst Richard Sprague about photos supposedly supporting claims of Roger Craig that he saw Lee Harvey Oswald getting into a car and fleeing the scene of the assassination. (1976)

More on Roger Craig: John McAdams' site

Did the Army know before the JFK assassination that Lee Harvey Oswald had used the alias "A. J. Hidell"? (Dallas Morning News, date unknown)

This is the story of November 22, 1963, in the words of the people who were there. (Chicago Sun-Times, November 20, 1983)

Note: I did not include all the photos from the article.

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