Local 33
 Retired Members
 Information Page



Nothing at this Time Known

BC Association of Retired
Telecommunication Workers
Web Site
A group for all collecting a pension
from the TWPP

May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past.


Members who have Retired
who were Members of Local 33
at one time or another are:
Brother Dennis Mulroney
Brother Lorne Robson
Brother Chuck Lequereux (deceased)
Brother Wilf Hoffman (deceased)
Brother Vern Fredericks
Brother Don McRobb
Brother Fraser Sutherland
Sister Ursula Therrien
Brother Mel Anderson
Brother Ted Buller
Brother Carl Lofroth
Brother Tony Jones
Brother Woody Larson
Brother Don Ferguson
Brother Blackie Janot
Sister Betty Hammerstrom
Brother Dave Penna (deceased)
Sister Ethel Chaplow
Brother Scotty McIlmoyle
Brother Art Kerr
Brother Jim Russel
Brother Fred McRae
Brother Croft Randle
Brother Ron Strumecki
Brother Gord Hudson
Brother Gord Lund
Sister Lorraine Lund
Sister Glenda Hodgson
Brother Carl Merk
Brother Eric Tycho
Brother Gord Duplisse
Me, Myself & I- Doug Gent (2003)
Brother Martin McCabe
Brother Bob Nelmes
Brother Bob Janes (2003)
Brother Ken Blanes (2004)
Sister Jeanette (Jan) White (2008)
please email with additions or corrections

May your troubles be less
     And your blessings be more.
   And nothing but happiness
Come through your door.


We would like to say Thank-You
to each and every TWU member
who has retired from BC Tel or Telus
With your past contributions our Union has grown
to be one of the most respected Unions in the Industry.
Present members wish you all Luck and Enjoyment
in your Long and hopefully Happy Retirement!
Remember you are Always invited
to our Union Meetings!  (dates here)
Any Gripes or Complaints about the Pension Plan?
Please bring them along, with a Resolution
and maybe one of the Present Members will introduce
the Motion on the floor for you. 
One day we will all be retired,
what we wish for you, we wish for ourselves!
Don't forget----
We just happen to meet in the Lounge
of the Terrace Inn afterwards, 
and everyone is invited to talk over old times!
Hope to see you all there!

Do not resent growing old.
Many are denied the privilege.


Some Special Links
 TWU Pension Plan
 Clarica Life Insurance Co (Telus's new Carrier)
 Listing of all Canadian Government Sites
 Print your own Government Forms
 BC Government Site
 BC Government MLA's
 Toronto Stock Market
 Convert anything to anything
 AirMiles Site
 Terrace City History site
 Terrace District BC Tel Radio Dept History
 Gardening info
 Internet Radio Stations

This page is created and maintained by

Doug Gent - Local 33, Retired Member

Any Errors or Suggestions:

please E-Mail me
My home page


 Site Map
Lock-Out 2005 / Local 33 Executive Members  / Local 33 Meeting Dates
Local 33 Bylaws / Local 33 Archives and History / Local 33 In Memoriam
Local 33's Charter / Seriously Sick or Injured Members / TWU Agreements
Our Business Agent / Our Retired Members /Retirement Parties, Buy-Outs, Etc.
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