Local 33



I will list the names of those members,
past or present of Local 33 of the TWU
that we know, are involved in,
or recovering from, a long term illness,
or long term disability.
All Of You are in our thoughts
and we wish you all a speedy recovery
None at this time

If you know of any member off with
a long term Illness, please drop me a note,
If they are at home, or in a certain hospital
please let me know that as well

Remember a Member off for 10 working days
is eligible for a gift up to $30.00 in value
One time per Illness.
Contact any member of the Local 33 Executive
to arrange for this gift, if Local 33 Member.
Note- It does not apply to
Spouses or Family Members, Sorry!

This page is created and maintained by
Doug Gent - Local 33 Retired Member

Any Errors, Additions, or Suggestions:

please E-Mail me
My home page



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Lock-Out 2005 / Local 33 Executive Members  / Local 33 Meeting Dates
Local 33 Bylaws / Local 33 Archives and History / Local 33 In Memoriam
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