My Views on the Kennedy Assassination

My views in a nutshell:

  • Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963 as a result of complex conspiracy.

  • The names of the shooters are not as important as who hired them.

    I believe Santos Trafficante and Carlos Marcello conspired to Kill President Kennedy.

  • Lee Oswald was a Patsy just like he said. I believe he did not shoot Kennedy and that he cannot be proven legally guilty of shooting Kennedy or J.D. Tippit on November 22, 1963.

  • Lee Oswald may have been involved but he did not know all of the plans of the conspiracy.

  • I believe Jack Ruby knew more about the conspiracy than Oswald did.

  • I believe it would be impossible for Oswald to to have been all the places people have claimed to see him during that afternoon.

  • I believe that it is very suspicious that Oswald was connected with the Kennedy Assassination so quickly after the shooting.

  • I believe that there was a least one shooter in the front on the grassy knoll and all the shots that hit Kennedy were from that direction.

    The Windshield Evidence


  • I believe Kennedy was hit twice. Once in the the throat and once in the area above the right eye just under the hairline.

    Detailed Discussion of the wounds


  • I believe that the United States Government for various reasons took part in a cover up of the facts in this case.

  • I believe the theory of the book Mafia Kingfish that claims that the mafia put a contract out on Kennedy and they enlisted the support of certain individuals in the government.

  • I believe that the reason no bullets of any size were ever found is due to the fact that they would prove a grassy knowl gunman existed.

  • I believe there are still individuals who do not want the entire story known to the public and have continued to promote a fairytale version of the events.

  • Bullets are predictable. The amount of damage to a bullet is predictable. The so called "magic" bullet suggest that the American Government thinks the American People are idiots.

    The Magic Bullet
This site will include detailed analysis of all these points in the near future.

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