
Pragmatic Black America

Using Quality Assurance principles to solve Racial Problems

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My name is Charles V Powell...a black American born prior to WW2 with humble beginnings and a dysfunctional family background. But throughout my life, I was taught to confront problems with an open mind and, to the best of my ability, use honest, common sense problem solving techniques to resolve any situatiion. That is a legacy that I am very proud of and one that served me well as a Quality Assurance Manager in the Aerospace Industry, where problem solving was the order of the day.

This experience makes me believe that Quality Assurance procedures can be used to solve today's so called "Racial Problems" in this country.


Today’s black leadership is involved in trivial, insignificant, superficial causes designed to focus attention on themselves not racial problems. The black people who are having problems are being used as pawns to promote their agendas and fill their pockets. They know that if they are successful in solving the problems before them, there's a good possibility that they will no longer be needed. Since these people have marginal skill levels, it behooves them to maintain the status quo at all costs. It somewhat resembles the situations most Political Opportunists and some Law Enforcement Agencies of today find themselves in.


To be effective, the black leadership of today must be sincere and understand the theory of pragmatism which was developed by Charles S Peirce and William James. To be pragmatic, one has to be concerned with causes and effects or needs and results rather than ideas or theories, and understand that the meaning of a proposition or course of action lies in it’s observable consequences and that the sum of these consequences constitutes it’s meaning. In other words a practical way of solving problems.


When this principle is applied to defective human characteristics in the context of Quality Assurance Statistical Analysis, it proves to be a very viable tool.

Since this principle is based upon the theory that, “A small percentage, the “Vital Few” of the quality characteristics always contributes a high percentage of the quality losses” It’s very easy to follow that line of thinking and focus the attack on the “vital few” defects that are causing the problem and just ignore the “trivial many” devoting any time or energy on these are just a waste of time. The cure will be more costly than the disease.


An example of using the Pareto Principle in the Automobile industry.......... In an automobile parts plant, one out of 12 defects acounted for 64 percent of the losses. It’s obvious which direction has to be taken to solve the defect problem quickly and efficiently.

This one defect was a chronic one. The others were sporadic.