Bill Clinton of Arkansas
by FOB

There's a man of change who hears our call...
He's Bill Clinton from Arkansas.
And he's got a plan to help us all...
He's Bill Clinton from Arkansas.

The time has come to make a change,
To regain the trust and heal the pain.
To end division 'tween Black and White -
Bill Clinton's our man to make things right.

He's a man with a vision who wants to see
We all get to share the American dream.
He'll defend our freedom of choice,
Stand up America, let's hear your voice.

There's a man of change who hears our call...
He's Bill Clinton from Arkansas.
And he's got a plan to help us all...
He's Bill Clinton from Arkansas.

He's Bill Clinton from Arkansas.

Select: 975k

Let's all just grow up, America, and thank our lucky stars for being so
blessed to have such a great President to lead us into the 21st Century.



God Bless the United States of America

©1992,1998 Friends of Bill

This page has been accessed times since March 27, 1998.


Please post your comments below:
Gender: Male Female
Age: State:
Leanings:Pro-Clinton Anti-Clinton No Position/Neutral
In 1992: I Voted for Clinton I Voted for Bush I Voted for Perot I Didn't Vote
In 1996: I Voted for Clinton I Voted for Dole I Voted for Perot I Didn't Vote
In my humble opinion, President Clinton should:
Continue working every day to better the lives of the American people through the rest of his term.Resign.

Below are some organizations who actually support my First Amendment Right to Free Speech even though I may or may not voice a viewpoint compatible to theirs; and they appreciate the opportunity to voice their opinions freely in the space offered above. Viva La Differance and God Bless America!

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