Hello welcome to our Internet home! We welcome all Conservative thinkers and Republicans. Since we are young women, we especially love to hear from other women. If you are not familiar with SJA we are located in the heart of downtown Milwaukee Wisconsin. We are a Catholic school of around 400 young women from every walk of life.
We started our group a few years ago after a need in our school to celebrate freedom from liberals, environmentalists, and people who believe OJ was innocent! We hope you enjoy our site, and we are always updating so if you have any ideas please feel free to share them with us!

Boy George 2000!

President Elect George W. Bush

The SJAHS Young Republicans would like to congratulate President Bush on his victory and wish him blessings and support on his four years leading our country into a new day!!

Thank you for supporting us and School Choice President Bush!

Sore Loserman!!

Gore won't quit until every last vote that can be manufactured is!!

Dear Friend,

No matter what your  political beliefs,  it is time to come together and support our new president elect. We need to support him, pray for him, and most importantly put aside our differences so that we can move forward as a nation.

If you are interested in telling your Wisconsin state reps that Al Gore should stop damaging our country  and concede please call your rep at:

Kohl                        414-297-4451

Feingold                 414-276-7282

Sensenbrenner        262-784-1111

Klecka                  414-297-1140

Barrett                   414-297-1331

Leave your name and address and nicely let our reps know this is enough counting, recounting, and more recounting. We must move forward with the people's business.

Believe, Unite, Save, Help!


Democrat Member of Florida's Election Canvassing Commission

This has been a tough election. It has not always been pretty.

But we got the job done, and we got it done right. People

called me and say--particularly from out of state--and say

what's going on down in Florida, and I have to keep reminding

people, the only thing that's going on here is that we've got

a razor-thin election for the most important job in the world.

And that's all it is. After all the jokes, after all of the

anguish, we've just got a close election. And any state that

had to go through this would've had the same problems, I think,

that we have had.

But I think it's over. It should be over. And maybe that's the

important word there, "should." You know, Yogi Berra once said,

"It's not over till it's over.'' Well, it's over, and we have a

winner, and it's time to move on.

There's one thing that I am sure of and that is both sides have

enough legal talent to keep this tied up through Christmas.

But one thing the lawyers can't do for us and one thing the

courts can't do for us: They can't bring this country together


And while we have a winner tonight and we have a loser tonight,

it's going to take both of these gentlemen to bring this

country together again, and I hope we can get on with that work


And I'm proud of the job that we've done here in the state.

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The Original Pledge of Allegiance

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag, and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

The Pledge of Allegiance Today

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag, and to the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

Everyone has a right to be heard!

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Catch Rush weekdays on WISN AM 1130 Noon to 3 PM




Mark Belling is Milwaukee's best known radio personality and one of the most successful talk radio hosts in the country. "The Mark Belling Late Afternoon Show," heard 3 to 6 weekday afternoons has dominated radio ratings for nearly ten years.
The program is a diverse mix of politics, culture, entertainment and lifestyle and is presented in an intelligent and entertaining format.
Mark’s "common sense conservatism" is thought provoking and engaging. His free-wheeling and engaging style has attracted lots of imitators but no equals.
Mark is also host of "Belling and Company," a public affairs roundtable aired Sunday mornings at 10:00 on WDJT-TV, Channel 58. His weekly newspaper column is published in the Waukesha Freeman and West Bend News.
A Wisconsin native, Mark’s motto is: " If it’s interesting, I’ll talk about it." Audiences must agree as Mark’s "Standing Up For Milwaukee" has become part of the very fabric of the community.

Catch Jay Weber and Bob Dolan mornings on WISN 1130 AM! A Great way to start your day!

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The viewpoints shared on this site are not those of Saint Joan Antida High School or that of its Administration!

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