to the   Morristown  Professional
Firefighters' Association
Member of the Tennessee Firefighters' Association
Mission Statement:
"We, the Charter Members of the Morristown Professional Firefighters' Association, and all those joining hereafter come together with the express purpose to promote within and without the Morristown Fire Department by all means professional, social, moral, and legal the goals and ideas of professionalism, equality and fairness, progress, and safety in our jobs, careers, and in the institution of the Fire Service.  We shall endeavor with out entire capacity to do this with the security of an education and comprehensive knowledge base and the mutual and individual welfare of all members, by cultivating an honest, open, cooperative, and professional relationship with all parties concerned, and by addressing problem mitigation with the same honesty, openness, cooperation, and professionalism.  We shall strive to make our workplace and institution more professional, fair, progressive, and safe; and to make those that we work for, serve, and protect proud of us."
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