The Islamic Front for The Liberation of Bahrain (IFLB) is a mass movement founded in Bahrain in the end of the 60's, bringing together prominant religious schoolars, political and human rights activists intellectualls and professionals, amongst others, from a diverse sections of Bahrain society. The IFLB takes its roots from Bahrain's history, the Islamic civilisation and the humanitarian experiment.
The IFLB reflects the aspiration of the Bahraini masses tendancy towards freedom and social justice. The movement is an integral part of the popular movement which is struggling against dispotism and backwardness and shares vissions with a wide range of people.
IFLB believes that Democracy is the most secure way to provide stability and prosperity in the country. This is in turn can guarantee the interests of the regional as well as the international frameworks. The continuation of diversification of economy, growth of business and development of market
economy require a stable political environment. This we believe, can only be achieved through the respect of the will of the Bahraini people and their as specified by genuine democratic rule. IFLB aims at freeying the Bahraini people from despotism and lack of human rights. Civil liberties, freedom of speech, assembly and the principles enshrined in the Islamic values as well as the United Nations Universal declaration on human rights are regaded as ideals by the IFLB.
The Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain believes that attaining its principled goals shall be through peaceful and civilised means.
n.b. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions do not hesitate to mail us on our E-Mail: