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 Open-gl tutorials


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This section display a collection of programs written by our members. Most of the programs are  open-source and it is attached with the .zip file. 



Program name Description Programmer
Hazard Outpost online book store (active server pages) codes It is an ASP code thus it requires PWS (Personal web server) or IIS (Internet information server) to function properly. Leong Chen Ki @ Roger
Source code and program files for Bacray bookstore

MUI (micro user interface) is being uses as GUI for the program. The package consists of three execution files along with the source code.

Leong Chen Ki @ Roger
GL_Snake version 1.2b beta

Gl_snake is game that inherited from the infamous snake in nokia 3210 hand phone. Open-gl is being implemented in the game to support future development of 3D version of GL_snake. There are few changes on version 1.2b over the previous version, they are:

 - added score bar
 - added title bar
 - added pause function
 - adjust level's speed
 - added text display
 - increase display window
 - bugs fixed

Note: This version of snake does not require a 3D graphics accelerator

Leong Chen Ki @ Roger
GL_Snake Final

This version of gl_snake require a 3D accelerator for optimum performance. A bitmap loader library from open-gl super bible is included with this package. This would be the very last version of snake and everyone is welcome to improve this game in future. I would be very happy to give any form of help to any potential developers.


Leong Chen Ki @ Roger
Map Studio Max R1

- Executable (.exe)

- Source code

Yeah! MFC! This is my windows programming's assignment. You might be suprised by the amount of work to get this silly program to works (actually there are still dozen of bugs in the program). Anyway, it is OO based and follow MS's document - view architecture. There are also some nice algebra algorithms in the codes. It is assumed that you have VC++ installed in your computer because it requires some mfc.dlls files. The installable version will be release soon! 

Leong Chen Ki @ Roger
Library system The system is fully object-oriented based (C++). It showcases the uses of vector, polymorphism, inheritance, self-reference, "this" pointer. It also demonstrate the way to solve cyclic redundancy in classes...  Leong Chen Ki @ Roger