Start: Thu
Nov 13
08:52:13 1997
<JJacq> I'm here,
<JJacq> How are U doing
<Aline> cool!!!! :))
<JJacq> Ha... only a few
frenchies seak english!
<JJacq> Where do U come
<Aline> i would love to
speak french, i am trying to learn
<Aline> i am from
Southamerica but i live in Australia and iam visiting Toronto at the
<JJacq> Its difficult,
especially with masculine and feminine forms lol
<JJacq> Wooooo...How lucky
you are
<JJacq> i got a friend on
mirc in australia, she 's living in melbourne
<JJacq> R U still there?
<Aline> i know, i am so
lucky and i live in Sydney
<JJacq> How old R U?
<JJacq> How many talks
have you at a time?
<JJacq> If you dont
return, I leave
<Aline> sorry, i have too
many windows and not enough fingers lol
<JJacq> If you want to
keep someone... dont open too many windows
<JJacq> What R U doing in
Toronto? Tourism?
<Aline> please be patient
you are my favourite :)
<Aline> ok
<JJacq> I'm red like a
fish! lolol
<Aline> i am 42, i have 5
windows and you are free to leave whenever you want :P
<JJacq> Wooo.... Dont be
angry, i'm not upset... lol
<JJacq> I'm 41
<Aline> i am not angry,
cool to hear there is someone with brains here :))
<JJacq> france, is
a funny
<JJacq> My friend
grosminet is fine too
<Aline> yes it is when the
ops are cool!!! :))
<JJacq> But there not many
real frenchies at this time
<JJacq> mainly canadians,
I think
<JJacq> do U bring your
laptop when travelling?
<Aline> nope :))
<Aline> i am using my
son's computer
<JJacq> He lives there?
<Aline> yup
<JJacq> How many children?
I have two, 12 and 16, two boys
<Aline> i have 3
<Aline> 1 girl and 2 boys,
22,20 and 17 :))
<JJacq> All in canada?
<Aline> nop
<Aline> only 1 in Canada,
the rest in Australia
<JJacq> Burst out family!
<JJacq> Do U know
and france*?
<Aline> yes, i went to
France last month :))
<JJacq> Always in planes
<JJacq> Not me :(
<JJacq> only on inside
<Aline> where do you live
in France?
<Aline> you are lieing :P
<JJacq> TOURS, among
"Chateaux de la Loire", do U know that
<Aline> JJacq is * JJB
<Aline> fr = france
<JJacq> Yes, but TOURS is
in france no?
<Aline> ohhhh ok, sorry, i
missundertood you, i am too sleepy
<JJacq> Why do u say i'm
<Aline> i missed the
'chateaux', i have not time to visit them :((
<JJacq> I never lie, I
hate all people who hide behind pictures on Internet
<Aline> i do too, sorry to
have said that!
<JJacq> May be when you'll
come back
<JJacq> I forgive U;;;; lol
<Aline> ohhhh oui!! that
is for sure, i will go to the Loire :))
<Aline> listen, i
am too
sleepy, i need to go to bed!
<JJacq> May be, i'll find
you there another day?
<Aline> how do you say:
Aline is going to bed now (in french)
<JJacq> Aline va se
coucher maintenant
<Aline> merci :))
<JJacq> Write a nice
pictured mmssage
<Aline> 1,8:)
<JJacq> I installed nice
pop ups yesterday, too
<JJacq> but its no so easy
to build
<Aline> i know, i can help
you when i come back from Montreal, i am going tomorrow
<JJacq> Thanks, well i can
give U an URL on chateaux de la loire, hold on
<Aline> cool!!!!
<JJacq> You'll find there
a map and pictures of most of them
<Aline> thanks a
see you soon!!!!!
<Aline> have fun!!!!!!!!!!!
<JJacq> Bye bye....
Tomorrow same hour?
<Aline> gros
bisous!!!!!!!!! :))
<Aline> nope, not till
Monday, sorry
<JJacq> Gros bisous....
<JJacq> Never mind,
monday, then
<Aline> 1,8:)
<JJacq> Bye bye, have
anice night and take care
<JJacq> xoxo's
<Aline> you too!!!
Close: Thu Nov 13
09:21:54 1997