Foreign Minister - Brent Schultze

The Cheruskian White Paper on Foreign Policy for 2000 is out! (.pdf file)

Having declared its existance as a micronation, Cherusken is prepared to enter into peaceful relations with other states. Although Cherusken has adopted a policy of neutrality, we are prepared to enter into friendly relations with other nations.

Mail to Cherusken

Cherusken is a member of the League of Secessionist States

Nations with which Cherusken has established diplomatic relations:

The Maya Republic
The Aerican Empire
The Inner Realm of Patria
The Kingdom of Falkenberg
The Holy Empire of Reunion
The Kingdom of Aveshria
The Kingdom of Saint-Paul
The Barony of Telusia
The New Worchester Kingdom
The Kingdom of Zarahemla
The Republic of Flanders

The Republic of Tromelin Island
The Empire of Gruver
The Principality of Marajó
The Wolf Paw Republic
The Kingdom of Tulsa
The Empire of Hesperia
The Purple Bunny Federation
The Rasinate of Q'attera-Macusiaa
The Nation of Liberty

An unofficial summary of Cherusken's policies and be found at our information page. Please read the disclaimer when you go to this page!