The Cheruskian News Agency is the official source for press releases and statements from the government of Cherusken.

The most recent releases of the Cheruskian News Agency can be found below. Older releases can be found in the CNA archives page. CNA archives

November 16, 1999

The University of Cherusken has updated its database section. An entry on the Empire of Gruver has been added, and the the entry for Cherusken has been updated.

The URL of the University of Cherusken is:


Subscribe to the CNA's Bulletin Service In order to better serve those who wish to keep up on events within Cherusken, we have started a quasi-newsgroup. This is only intended for those who wish to recieve CNA bulletins as they are issued, and is a "one-way street" (only the CNA can post to it.) If you are interested in joining this group, please fill out the form to the left.
cna_bulletins archiveHosted by

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