Micronational Survey

Although things have been pretty much stop and go around here, we are ready to accept submissions to our micronational database. To ensure the accuracy of these records, we ask that only the appropriate officials submit information. Please fill out the form below completely. We will mail you a copy of your responses, so that you can verify them.


Official Name:

Geographic Location:


Independence: (date of official declaration)

Governmental System: (please describe your system of governance)

Head of State:

Head of Government:

Major Parties:

Ministries, Notable Government Offices:

Membership in Intermicronational Organizations:

National Holidays:


E-mail: (this should be the address used to contact your nation officially)

URL of an Image of your Flag: (or other appropriate symbol, if your nation has no flag)

Your Name:

Your Title/Position within your Government:

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. As soon as we recieve the results, we will contact your government and ask them to confirm the data that has been entered. After that, it will be converted into HTML, and posted on our site.