This is all of my favourite pages and links that I have surfed into or landed on. Some of the people who own these pages are some of the most respectable people in the world to trade police insignia with. Click on to the link and visit their page too!!

Dan is probably one of the best traders I have ever come across. Dan trades in mainly Canadian patches, but the odd time will take an American patch. Drop him a line and trade a patch!

Wetaskiwin Skate Park Project
This is my very good friend's biggest project ever!!!! Cst. Kevin Kunetzki is also a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He is currently working at Wetaskiwin Detachment. He has found that there is a strong need for that community to have a skate board park for the kids of the community. There has been alot of problems with the skaters using places that are unsafe or have been causing insurmountable grief for people at the places they are using. Kevin has been working at putting together proposals for funds from the community to try and fund the building of a skate board park. Drop by and check out the plans and if you can support the cause, please do!!!

Kjell HOEGMAN'S Tribal Police Badge and Patch Tepee
Kjell is a Tribal patch collector. He has patches from all over the world that are strictly Tribal. Definitely a site to visit. The numerous tribal patches will keep you in awe!!!

James HITT'S Police Patch Central
Visit the HITTMAN!!!!! Jim is one of the biggest, but greatest guys to trade with. Even though he may not be interested in what you have, he will still do the trade to help you out. Jim also has an extensive list of other traders who are more than eager to trade with you!

Richard Woo's Patch Collecting Page
Richard Woo is a Troop Mate of mine from our training days back in Depot. Richard collects alot of international polcie insignia. Drop by and visit Richard's Patch Collecting Page!!!

Spencer Boyce's Patch and Badge Page!
Spencer Boyce is a member of the California Highway Patrol. Truely a must trade with kind of guy. Check his page out. Spencer loves collecting RCMP collectables.

Tony Leung's Homepage
Tony is an Ex-Auxiliary Constable from Toronto Metro. Tony has tons of exciting and cool patches. Tony specialises in SWAT, ERT, SRT, K-9, Dive Teams, Mounted and several other specialised police sections. Visit his page for more!

Yung's Virtual Patch Collection
Yung collects Los Angeles County patches and City Police Departments from Orange and San Bernardino Counties, California State and Highway Patrol patches.

R.C's Patch Collecting Pages

Code 3grafx Online Catalog and Patch Collectors Listing Service

Jean Tougas' Police Patch Collector Page

Law Enforcement Patch Collector's Corner

Coppers Collectibles
Visit my buddy Jeff's Page!!!! Jeff is a member of the Lethbridge City Police Service. Coppers Collectibles offers a wide range of Diecast Police Car Collectibles. Drop him a line on your latest wants for Police Car Collectibles!!!!

PJ Brons Police Insignia Collector
PJ has a wide range of European Police Insignia. Drop him a line and he should be able to help you out!!

Linda's Patch Trading Page

Bill Carson's Trading Corner
Bill is a member of C.U.M. - Montreal Urban Police. Stop by and drop Bill a line!!!

Ed's Patch Corner
Ed is a member of the Toronto Police Service. Ed is a large collector of both California and Ontario patches. If you have patches from these areas, drop Ed a line, I'm sure he would be interested!!!