"A Bright Light Among the Angels"

Welcome to the JonBenet' Justice Center
The brutal murder of JonBenet' Ramsey was a crime that shook an entire nation.  Even more shocking was the fact, that no one was ever charged with the death of this tiny angel.  Where is the justice?  Why is this crime still unsolved today?  This site has sponsored the Justice for JonBenet' Campaign since 1997.  We have not and will not post gruesome murder photos, autopsy reports, or other documents here as that is not our purpose.  Our sole purpose now, nearly 4 years later is to remember this child in the spirit and fashion in which she so richly deserved.  While there have been many rumors about her killer(s), there have been no official arrests.  At this point, it doesn't appear there ever will be.  Is this justice?  We think not!  How do you feel about the investigation into this crime.  Do you feel there was a cover-up or do you think there really was not enough hard evidence for an arrest?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the guestbook. 

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    Jon Benet' Justice Campaign - The Justice Center
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