Here are some of her favorite things (besides her children she loved them 1. Fun outings: Shopping 2. London Deparment Store: Harvey Nichols 3. Bath Products: The Body Shop 4. Casual Clothes: Levi's blue jean's 5. Flower: Freesias - She Had Them delivered weekly and loved to fill her bathroom with their fragrance 6. Pastime: Talking to her friends on the phone 7. Costume Jewelry: Venus Faux Pearl Drop Earrings, sold at the Metropolitan Museum Of Art in New York 8. Gemstone: Sapphires 9. Eatery: San Lorenzo's italian restaurant 10.Cosmetics: Clinique 11.Resort: K Club On Barbuba In The Caribbean 12.Breakfast: Muesli Cereal With Yogurt And Coffee 13.Pop Song: Uptown Girl By Billy Joel 14.City: Paris 15.Color: Blue To Match Her Eyes 16.Word To Describe Things She Did Not Like: Loathe* 17.Hollywood Star: John Travolta 18.American Tv Show: Charlies Angels (reruns play in the uk) 19.Shoes: From Rayne The Queens Cobblers The London Shoemakers that Specialize in Handmade customized foot wear 20.Hats: Phillip Somerville Desings To Match Her Outfits 21.Panthyhose: Italian-made Oro Blu Hose 22.Romantic Movie: An Affair To Remember With Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr 23.Car: Her 5 series Bmw 24.New Age Treatment: Aromatheraphy 25.Fragrance: Diorissimo Perfume By Christian Dior - a Floral scent of Lilly
and Jasmine 26.Pet As a Child: Her Guinea Pig, Peanuts 27.Ballet: Swan Lake 28.Opera Singer: Luciano Pavarotti 29.Swimsuit: Jantzen 30.Main Dish: Pasta 32.Sweets: Chocolate Cream Eggs 33.Wine: Chablis White 35.School Subject: English History 36.Pop Stars: Abba and Phil Collins 37.Book As a Child: The Never Never Land Of Peter Pan 38.Book As a Adult: Remembrance By Danielle Steel 39.Favorite Author: Jeffrey Archer Novelist 40.Relaxer: Long Leisurely Baths Each Moring 41.Moisturizer: No.7 Lily Root and Marshmellow Lotion, Available Only in England 42.Winter Sport: Skiing 43.Summer Sport: Swimming 44.Fun Activity: Rollerblading 45.Hobbies: Needlework and Embroidery 46.Obsession: Cleaning - she was exceptionally neat and tidy and loved to do her own washing and ironing but she hated to cook 47.Creative Outlet: Writing and Limericks Some Times Opening A Speech With One Of Her Poems 48.Subjects To Sketch: Landscapes and Animals 49.Desinger: Britian's Catherine Walker 50.Fitness Routine: She Went to the Gym Three times a Week to Lift Weights and Ride the Bicycle
* Thanks to Elisabeth ( for correcting me on something that was not accurate on this page.
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