Even though all men are accountable to God, and thus His subjects in
the sense that they are under His authority, only believers are
citizens of His heavenly kingdom (Psalm 103:19, John 3:3-5). Therefore,
God, in effect, presides over two realms, which are known in theology
as the Two Kingdoms, or as church and state. He exercises dominion over
the world in general through the state (which is a vehicle of His
wrath), while dealing with believers through the local church (which is
a vehicle of His grace).
Furthermore, because believers are under the
authority of both church and state, it is only the church as an
institution (not individual believers) that is separate from the state.
That separation means, essentially, that officials of the church have
no business trying to influence legislation, or telling those in
government how to do their job. Likewise, the state is not to control
the church, and the sword of the state is not to be used to advance the
gospel. At the same time, every believer is free to get involved in the
government, and to influence legislation, as did Daniel and Esther. As
Christians, we have just as much right to express our beliefs
politically as anyone else.
Since government existed before the Bible was
written, its authority does not come from the Bible, but from the law
that God has written on the heart. It is that law which tells us that
some behavior is good and other behavior is evil, and it is that law
that tells us that good behavior should be praised while evil behavior
should be punished (1Peter 2:14). Moreover, in dealing with behavior
that warrants punishment, rulers look to reason to codify the natural
knowledge of right and wrong and to devise such ordinances as are
necessary to achieve the purpose of government.
In contrast to the state, the church draws its
authority from the Bible alone, and uses persuasion rather than force
to accomplish its ends. While the state condemns only outward acts and
requires only outward righteousness, the church condemns all sin and
endeavors to make men truly righteous by leading them to forgiveness in
Christ. While the state dispenses condemnation and death, the church
dispenses forgiveness and life.
Prior to the Lutheran Reformation, church leaders
used the power of the state to keep God's Word from the people, while
terrorizing anyone that challenged their authority. Today, the atheist
redefinition of “separation of church and state” seems to have pushed
things to the opposite extreme. However, Satan is still having his way.
For, just as Bible-believing Christians were forced to support an
institution that taught doctrines they abhorred, when there was no
separation of church and state: today they are forced to support an
educational system that teaches doctrines that they abhor, in the name
of keeping church and state separate. Just as Bible-believing
Christians were told to keep their beliefs out of the political realm,
when their was no separation of church and state: today they are told
to keep their beliefs out of the political realm, in the name of
keeping church and state separate. What the world does not understand,
is that even though God intended for the state to be an institution of
the law, and the church to be an institution of the gospel, both are to
do His will.
The Biblical relationship of church and state is
better illustrated by the difference between the role of Moses and the
role of Aaron than by abstract clichés. According to God's plan,
Moses was the head of the state and the Ten Commandments were the basis
of the political law, not the religious law. In contrast, the role of
Aaron had to do with sacrifice and forgiveness, not the Ten
Commandments. Moreover, because our natural knowledge of right and
wrong has been corrupted by sin, it is right and proper that rulers
should look to the political laws of Israel as a guide to good
government. In fact, many of our laws can be traced back to the
Bible. Our distinction between first, second, and third degree murder
comes from the Bible, as does the principle that judges should be fair
and impartial, treating everyone alike. Nevertheless, rulers are not
bound to a rigid and legalistic understanding of those laws just
because they are in the Bible. On the contrary, the freedom we have in
Christ allows a just and reasonable interpretation that conforms to our
time and culture.
In contrast to our present day legal system, the Law
of Moses authorized rulers to punish those who prophesied falsely in
God's name. However, in order to understand the Biblical mindset, it is
important to notice that the punishment was for fraud, not heresy.
Furthermore, those found guilty had to be convicted on the basis of
objective evidence, not doctrinal disagreements. Nevertheless, that
aspect of Biblical law tells us that even though the government has the
right to deal with religious fraud, it is not up to the state to
determine what doctrine should be taught (Deuteronomy 18:20-22, Titus
Another thing to consider is that under Biblical law
the emphasis was on local enforcement of the law. Each community had
elders who decided most matters, and the people were warned of the
danger inherent in giving men too much authority (1Samuel 8:7). The
problems that resulted from ignoring that warning, and from the
centralization of power, should advise us as to the wisdom of limiting
the power of the state, especially in regard to the church.
While we want to keep our churches free of state
control, we should never try to separate God from government. Even
though the European State churches were corrupt and oppressive, the
secular governments that hold sway today are no improvement. In fact,
heresies worse that any taught in the past, are now being taught in the
public schools. Therefore, while we do not want an establishment of
religion (state church), we do want a government that acknowledges the
truth of God and Lordship of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:10). If you
have any doubts about that, you need to ask yourself what the world
would be like if Europe had embraced the Moslem religion instead of
Christianity. If you do, I am sure that you will join with me in
thanking God for America’s Christian heritage, and in working to keep
America Christian.