I can remember when "liberals" tried to pass
themselves off as tolerant and open-minded, while saying that every
idea deserves a hearing. However, that was when they wanted people to
listen to their point of view. Now that the shoe is on the other foot,
it is becoming obvious that all of their talk about open-mindedness and
tolerance was just a ploy. They not only are not willing to give a fair
hearing to conservative ideas or to any opinion rooted in the Christian
worldview, but rarely even try to counter the conservative viewpoint
intellectually. Instead they are more likely to slander, denounce, and
demonize anyone who disagrees with them.
When Ken Star was appointed to investigate alleged
wrongdoing on the part of President Clinton, instead of being fair and
objective in their coverage of his investigation, the "liberals"
regularly accused him of having an axe to grind, or being, "out to get
the president." In truth he was simply doing his job, and that just
happened to be a job they did not want him to do. Furthermore, all who
condemned Clinton's immoral behavior were falsely accused of having a
pathological hatred of Clinton, while the press directed its venom at
Another example of left-wing demonization can be
seen in the way Joe McCarthy has been held up by the left as an object
of hate. "Liberals" evidently see nothing wrong with encouraging people
to hate Joe McCarthy, or anyone who agrees with him. After all, they
claim, his accusations ruined the careers of many innocent people.
However, now that records kept by the KGB have come to light, it turns
out that McCarthy was right all along. Therefore, it was the
"liberals," not McCarthy, who were doing the slandering. And, it was
the "liberals" who destroyed the careers of innocent people, simply
because those people dared to oppose the "liberal" agenda.
Nevertheless, the "liberal" press has no time to present the facts, set
the record straight, or even mention such things as the Hollywood
blacklist – which was used by the left do destroy the careers of many
fine actors and actresses, simply because they opposed Communism.
Judging by the way "liberals" are behaving, it seems
like they prefer character assassination to honest debate, and would
rather demonize conservatives than try to refute them intellectually.
Moreover, they use psychological categories to dehumanize anyone who
disagrees with them. For example: They call anyone who condemns the sin
of homosexuality a homophobe, anyone who wants to stop illegal
immigration a xenophobe, anyone who opposes racial quotas for hiring
("affirmative action") a racist, and anyone who believes that God
designed men and women to fill different roles a sexist. Apparently
they see nothing wrong with hating homophobes or xenophobes etc.
Nevertheless, such names are just modern epithets that they use to
justify hate.
While he was president of the National Rifle
Association, Charlton Heston said,
A wave of left-wing "ecoterrorism" has been sweeping
the U. S. – and may even include the torching of the Vail Mountain ski
resort. Many environmental groups post instructions for making bombs,
on their web sites – yet the media remains silent, while trying to
portray all terrorists as "right-wing".
In order to foment hate, "liberals" have broadcast
election advertisements that say, "If Republicans are elected crosses
will burn," and published cartoons of Pat Buchanan standing in front of
a burning cross. At the same time, Republicans have been falsely
accused of wanting to starve children and old people. Jerry Falwell,
who is pro-Israel, has been called a Nazi. Congressmen, who support the
Second Amendment, as they promised to do when they took their oath of
office, are accused of selling out. And the National Rifle Association
is regularly demonized. However, no mention is ever made of the fact
that Mussolini invented regulatory agencies, or that the "politically
correct" movement is a copy of Hitler's "socially correct" movement.
Much of the left's hatred of anything conservative
seems to be driven by a pathological hatred of Bible Believing
Christians. When the Kansas school board decided that evolution should
not be taught as fact, I did not see one newspaper column even attempt
to deal with that decision on an intellectual basis. Instead, "liberal"
columnists resorted to ridicule and nastiness. Likewise, when some of
those involved in school shootings specifically sought out Christians
as targets for their hate, the press hardly mentioned it. Even though
more Christians have died for their faith in the 20th century than in
all other centuries combined, the so-called "liberals" turn a blind eye
to that persecution, and do nothing to help the victims. Moreover, the
left sees nothing wrong with ridiculing the religious beliefs of
Christian fundamentalists, or with demonizing them by equating them
with terrorists, even though they do not believe in violence.
The hatred being directed at Christians by the left is nothing new.
Bible believing Christians have been persecuted for centuries, and
since Jesus warned us to expect such persecution, we can expect it to
continue. As Christians, we should simply return good for evil, and go
on with the work of the gospel. Sooner or later the day will come when: