Preamble: No civilized nation makes war on its own citizens.
We, the People, did not declare war on our government, nor do we wish to
fight its Drug War. Hence, we now petition for redress of grievances, as
Whereas any just government derives its authority from a
respect of the People's rights and powers; and
Whereas the government has resorted to unilateral military
force in the Drug War without making any good faith effort to negotiate
a peace settlement;
Therefore, We hereby call for a Drug War Truce during which
to engage our communities and governments in peace negotiations, under
the following terms:
Article 1: The United States shall withdraw
from, repudiate, or amend any and all international Treaties or agreements
limiting its ability to alter domestic drug policy.
Article 2: No patient shall be prosecuted
nor any health care professional penalized for possession or use of any
mutually agreed upon medications.
Article 3: Drug policy shall henceforth protect
all fundamental rights, as described below:
1. Each person retains all their inalienable,
Constitutional, and Human Rights, without exception. No drug regulation
shall violate these Rights.
2. The benefit of the doubt shall always be
given to the accused and to any property or assets at risk. Courts shall
allow the accused to present directly to the jury any defense based on
these Rights, any explanation of motive, or any mitigating circumstances,
such as religion, culture, or necessity.
3. No victim: no crime. The burden of proof
and corroboration in all proceedings shall lie with the government. No
secret witness nor paid testimony shall be permitted in court, including
that of any government agent or informant who stands to materially gain
through the disposition of a drug case or forfeited property. No civil
asset forfeiture shall be levied against a family home or legitimate means
of commercial livelihood.
4. Issues of entrapment, government motive,
and official misconduct shall all be heard by the jury in any drug case,
civil or criminal. Government agents who violate the law are fully accountable
and shall be prosecuted accordingly.
5. Mandatory minimum sentences undermine our
system of justice. The jury shall be informed of all penalties attached
to any offense before deliberating a verdict. Courts shall have discretion
to reduce penalties in the interest of justice.
Article 4: We propose a Drug War Truce and
call for the immediate release of all non-violent and, aside from drug
charges involving adults only, law-abiding citizens.
Article 5: No non-violent drug charges involving
adults only shall be enforced or prosecuted until all parties have agreed
to, and implemented, a drug policy based on full respect for fundamental
Rights and personal responsibility.
Epilogue: We proclaim, "Give Drug Peace Chance."
I endorse the Drug War Truce with peace negotiations: