Bad News: Noam Chomsky
The purpose of this page is to act as sort of a supplement to the far more essential
Noam Chomsky Archive by providing articles, interviews, essays, etc. related to American dissident Noam Chomsky, who teaches linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and who, as a member of various popular movements, writes and speaks frequently on a variety of social and political issues, most often on U.S. foreign policy.
What's New:
Recently added links
Chomsky's public speaking schedule - updated for May 2001
Articles about Chomsky:
Conscience of a nation -- January 2001 profile
Truth to tell -- April 2000 article/interview on higher education and science
Chomsky's Other Revolution - February 2000 article/interview
Free markets, trapped people -- October 1998 article/interview
Chomsky at the University of Calgary -- September 1998 article re: a trip to Canada
Is it Terrorism to Attack Terrorists? -- a brief August 1998 article excerpt
Chomsky Fights the Power - March 1996 article and interview
The Voice of Dissidence -- a 1995 article/interview re: a trip to England
Profile of Chomsky -- from 1995
American Dissident -- from 1994
Anarchy in the U.S.A. -- 1992 profile/interview
Another profile of Chomsky -- 1991 entry in Major Twentieth Century Writers
Chomsky in Los Angeles -- a 1988 article/interview re: a trip to California
Interviews with Chomsky:
Power and Powerlessness - April 2001
Israel, the US & Palestine - March 2001, from Socialist Worker
Specter of an "ugly future" - December 2000
Some media issues - an incomplete November 2000 interview
Iran: Things you'll never hear - June 2000
Institutional violence -- undated interview
Globalising resistance to corporate power -- May 2000, from Socialist Worker
A student interviews Chomsky - March 2000
The shadow economy -- March 2000
The Meaning of Seattle -- February 2000 interview (another version of the item below)
Talking 'Anarchy' -- February 2000 interview with David Barsamian from The Nation
Reluctant Icon: Noam Chomsky on Life, Liberty and Linguistics -- undated interview, circa 1999
Catastrophe in Timor -- September 1999 interview with CBC News Online
East Timor on the Brink -- September 1999 interview from ZNet's Timor resource page
The kibbutzim -- brief August 1999 exchange from ZNet Daily Zine
NATO -- several April 1999 interviews from ZNet's NATO Bombing resource page
The credibility of NATO -- April 1999 radio interview
Kosovo -- Spring 1999
Who Runs America? -- April 1999
Stop U.S. Intervention -- brief April 1999 interview on NATO bombings
On Freedom of Press and Culture -- March 1999
Debt, drugs and democracy -- March 1999
"I'm from Neptune" -- February 1999 radio interview excerpts from The Progressive
T-Bone Slim was on to something... -- January 1999 radio interview
Mass Media, Globalization, and the Public Mind - October 1998 radio interview with Radio Ouverture, Canada (a different version of next item below)
Entrevue avec Noam Chomsky à Radio Ouverture -- October 1998 radio interview
Human nature -- August 1998 interview from Red Pepper
MAI -- May 1998 interview on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment from the Boulder Weekly
Corporate Watch interviews Chomsky -- April 1998 interview from Corporate Watch
The War on Drugs -- April 1998 interview from High Times
Iraq -- March 1998
Eleven questions on Iraq -- February 1998 interview from Mid-East Realities
Israel in a Global Context - June 1997 interview excerpts
History is Not Over -- April 1997 interview from Chomsky, et. al.
Radical Democracy -- March 1997 interview with The Capital Times
Colombia, the United States, Drugs, Terror, and Social Control - Fall 1996 from the Colombia Support Network
Jornal da Tarde interviews Chomsky -- October 1996 email interview with Jornal da Tarde
AIDS -- Sept/Oct 1996 interview with Continuum
Brown interviews Chomsky -- February 1996 interview with Jerry Brown
Military spending -- February 1996 interview with America's Defense Monitor
Israel: the standard colonial pattern -- Fall 1995
Looking for the Magic Answer? -- Excerpts from an October 1995 interview
Globalization and Resistance -- Summer 1995
Robert McNamara -- Excerpts from a May 1995 interview
Media criticism -- March 1995 radio interview
Education is Ignorance -- Excerpts from a January 1995 interview
Violence and Youth: A Broader Perspective -- Fall 1994 interview
The Golden Age Is in Us -- 1994 interview on science and politics with Alexander Cockburn
America's Public Enemy #1 -- 1993 interview with the London Student
NPR interviews Chomsky -- Transcript of 1993 National Public Radio story re: the 1992 motion picture documentary
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
Say cheese? Say Chomsky! -- 1993
Sixties radical -- Late 1992
Excerpts from Manufacturing Consent -- Edited discussion of propaganda drawn from the transcript of the 1992 motion picture documentary
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
Pilger interviews Chomsky -- 1992 interview with John Pilger transcribed by Rae West
Excerpts on anarchism -- 1992 TV interview excerpts from ANARCHY.ORG
Media: Bewildering the herd -- September 1990
PBS interviews Chomsky on Gulf crisis -- September 1990
The Radical Vocation -- February 1990 interview with Adam Jones
Facing reality -- December 1989
Meaningful democracy, part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
All three parts -- 1988 interview
Of Prussians and Traders -- November 1988
A candid view of Israel and the occupied territories -- May 1988
Chomsky's early political influences -- Autobiographical excerpts from a 1987 interview
"What the World is Really Like": Who Knows It -- and Why -- Excerpts from a 1987 interview on propaganda
The propaganda system -- 1986 interview
Israel, the Holocaust, and Anti-Semitism -- 1986 interview
The Lessons of the Vietnam War -- 1982 interview from Grover Furr's Vietnam War Page
The treachery of the intelligentsia: A French travesty -- October 1981
The ideological confrontation of our time -- February 1980
On human rights and ideology -- October 1979
An interview on psychology -- Excerpts from a mid-1970s interview
The price of oil -- March 1977 interview, with notes
34 Holes in Chomsky's Yard, Some Very Cheery-Looking Ice Cream Vendors, and the Relevance of Anarcho-syndicalism -- 1976 TV interview
Triumphs of Democracy -- January 1976 interview excerpts
A long 1974 interview on anarchism and other topics:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4
The universities and the corporations -- May 1973
The new radicalism -- Spring 1971
Talks and other public speaking events:
Prospects for Peace in the Middle East -- transcript of a March 2001 talk and Q&A
The Current Crises in the Middle East: What Can We Do? -- transcript of a December 2000 talk
Q & A on the Middle East -- transcript of a December 2000 Q&A following the above talk
The Vietnam War: 25 years later -- transcript of an April 2000 talk
Control of Our Lives - transcript of a February 2000 talk (nearly the same as item below but with added Q&A transcript) from the Interhemispheric Resource Center
Control of Our Lives -- transcript of a February 2000 talk from ZNet
Sovereignty and World Order -- transcript of a September 1999 talk from ZNet
Nature's Ultimate Secrets -- transcript of a May 1999 address on cognitive science
Chomsky in Maryland -- excerpts from the transcript of a November 30, 1998 Q&A
Transcript of a November 10, 1998 talk and Q&A in New Zealand.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 (Q&A)
Whose World Order?: Conflicting Visions -- long transcript of a September 22, 1998 talk and Q&A
Power in the Global Arena -- long transcript of a Summer 1998 talk with notes
National Sovereignty and Democracy in the Third World -- transcript of a 1997 talk from Birzeit University
How the media work -- transcript of a 1997 talk, a version of which is available from ZNet
Human Rights in the New World Order -- long transcript of a 1995 talk and Q&A, with end notes by the transcriber, Rae West
The New Cold War -- long transcript of a 1994 forum and Q&A featuring Chomsky and John Pilger, hosted by Red Pepper magazine
The New World Order: The Middle East and Central America -- transcript of a 1991 talk
From El Salvador to the Shores of Tripoli: The Empire and Ourselves -- transcript of an April 9, 1986 talk and Q&A from Solidarity
Transcript of a wide-ranging 1985 talk covering the history of American foreign policy.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3
Transcript of a 1984 talk and Q&A in which journalists challenge Chomsky's analysis of U.S. media coverage of American foreign policy.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4
Excerpts from a 1971 exchange between Chomsky and Michel Foucault.
Philosophy: Part 1,
Part 2
Politics: Part 3,
Part 4
Excerpts from a 1967 panel discussion on "The Legitimacy of Violence as a Political Act?"
Part 1 -- Discussion; Part 2 -- Questions from the audience
Essays and other writings by Chomsky:
Voting Patterns and Abstentions - brief February 2001 essay
Elections 2000 - January 2001 essay
How US democracy triumphed again -- brief January 2001 essay
Al-Aqsa Intifada - October 2000 comments on Israel/Palestine
Comments on Milosevic Ouster, etc. - October 2000 comments
"Peace Process" Prospects - July 2000 comment on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations
National Missile Defense System -- brief July 2000 comment from the American Prospect
The Colombia Plan - June 2000
In Retrospect, Part One and Part Two - April/May 2000 review of NATO's war over Kosovo
Colombia and the Drug War, Part 1 and Part 2 -- March 2000 essay from ZNet Daily Zine
Another Way for Kosovo? -- March 2000 essay from Common Dreams
World Order and its Rules - excerpt from Chomsky's The New Military Humanism
The New Military Humanism: Lessons from Kosovo -- September 1999
East Timor Retrospective -- September 1999 essay from ZNet's Timor resource page
East Timor: Comments on the Forthcoming APEC Summit -- September 1999 essay from ZNet's Timor resource page
Why Americans Should Care About East Timor -- August 1999 essay from Mother Jones
Kosovo Peace Accord -- June 1999 from ZNet's NATO Bombing resource page
NATO Bombing of Kosovo -- March 1999 from ZNet's NATO Bombing resource page
On Staying Informed and Intellectual Self-Defense -- March 1999 commentary from ZNet Daily Zine
Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and the Global Order -- excerpts from the 1999 book
A farewell to Oskar -- March 1999 from ZNet
Debt cancellation -- from 1998
Chomsky reviews Truman biography -- from 1996
Chomsky reviews Finkelstein -- 1996 review of Norman Finkelstein's Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Post-modernism - 1995 email commentary
Letter from Noam Chomsky -- long 1995 letter on propaganda to Covert Action Quarterly
Chomsky on war guilt -- from 1995
Chomsky on East Timor -- from July 1994
Letter to Diet Soap -- June 1994 letter to the editor of Diet Soap
Humanitarian Intervention -- from 1993
"Historical revisionism" -- 1992 email response re: Chomsky's alleged views on the Holocaust
Chomsky on Vaclav Havel speech -- 1990 personal letter to columnist Alexander Cockburn
Russia '89 -- from 1990
Letter to Outlook - June 1989 re: allegations of neo-Nazism
Manufacturing Consent - Excerpts from the 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (A Propaganda Model) from Third World Traveler
The Cold War -- undated letter in response to criticism in Radical History Review
Free speech in a democratic society -- response to criticism re: Faurisson affair
The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism -- excerpts from the 1979 book by Chomsky and Edward S. Herman from Third World Traveler
After the Cataclysm -- excerpts from the 1979 book by Chomsky and Edward S. Herman from Third World Traveler
The Cynical Farce about Cambodia -- 1978 essay
The Crisis of Democracy -- Excerpts from a 1977 essay in which Chomsky reviews the Trilateral Commission study The Crisis of Democracy.
Equality -- long, wide-ranging 1976 essay with notes
On the Jewish State -- 1975 letter in response to criticism in the New York Review of Books
The Meaning of Vietnam -- brief 1975 essay
Watergate: Small Potatoes -- 1973 essay
Watergate: A Skeptical View -- 1973 essay, perhaps Chomsky's most comprehensive on the subject, with notes
The President and the Presidency -- 1973 editorial on Watergate
Vietnam: How Government Became Wolves -- long 1972 essay with much documentation
The Pentagon Papers and U.S. Imperialism in Southeast Asia -- long 1972 essay from Rae West
The Case Against B. F. Skinner -- 1971 book review with notes
Foreword to the Bertrand Russell Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal -- 1971 foreword from Rae West
In Defense of the Student Movement -- 1971 essay from Rae West
Mayday: The Case for Civil Disobedience -- long 1971 article with notes
In North Vietnam -- long 1970 article with notes
A Visit to Laos -- long 1970 article with notes
A Frustrating Task -- 1970 exchange over U.S. policy in Vietnam
After Pinkville -- 1970 article from Rae West
The Right to Help -- selected letters published in the NYRB 1969-1982
The Ethics of Intervention -- 1969 exchange
An Exchange on Liberal Scholarship -- 1969 exchange with various critics
The Menace of Liberal Scholarship -- long 1969 article with notes
Reflections on a Political Trial -- 1968 article with notes
An Exchange on Resistance -- 1968 exchange with critics
On Resistance -- 1967 article
On the Backgrounds of the Pacific War -- long 1967 essay, with notes, on events leading to Pearl Harbor
An Exchange on "The Responsibility of Intellectuals" -- 1967 exchange with critics
What shall the responsible intellectual do? -- brief 1967 exchange
The Responsibility of Intellectuals -- 1967 version of Chomsky's earliest political essay
International Chomsky archives:
Italian, German, Spanish, Spanish, Danish, Finnish, Russian
Language and Mind: Current Thoughts on Ancient Problems - 1997 talks
On the nature of pragmatics and related issues - July 1999 interview
On Linguistics and Politics - 1994 interview
An interview on linguistics
Nancho consults Chomsky -- Excerpts from an undated interview on linguistics
Language, Politics, and Composition -- 1991 interview from Journal of Advanced Composition
"Language, Language Development and Reading" -- Fall 1987 interview
"Things no amount of learning can teach" -- November 1983 interview
"On Language and Culture" -- 1975 interview, revised in 1983
"The Psychology of Language and Thought" -- interview
"Empiricism and Rationalism" -- 1976 interview
Excerpt from Language and Mind -- 1968; from an online philosophy library
Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior -- 1959 book review
Odds and ends by others:
Edward S. Herman on the propaganda model -- 1989 article/interview
The propaganda model revisited -- 1996 article by Edward S. Herman
The Pariah -- 1985 column by Nat Hentoff
The Meaning of 'Meaningless Death' -- 1965 essay by Makoto Oda
Odds and ends by Chomsky:
Excerpt on Pearl Harbor
A few words on Independence Day -- brief excerpt from a 1995 letter
If the Nuremberg laws were applied...
Excerpt on Grand Area planning
Excerpt on conservatism
U.S. defense responsibility and corporate social responsibility?
Remarks on religion -- excerpts from various sources
Brief comments on the Clinton scandal
"The reasons for my concern"
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