Tibetan Freedom Should NOT be Taken So Lightly As To Support The Current Movement.

The Dalai Lama is more like the Ayatollah Khomeni than Mahatma Gandhi

This is a page dedicated to the freedom of Tibet and Tibetans. By this, we mean to eradicate any notion that the Dalai Lama has any place in this proposition, nor do most of the so-called "Free Tibet" groups. Slavery existed as the main means of economic control before 1959. The Dalai Lama was not, in fact, even the spiritual head of the the old slavery based fascistic, theocratic Tibet. Women had no rights and were punished by the stoning-to-death practice that exists in Afghanistan and Iran today (but thankfully, not Tibet). Tibetan independance is a wonderful cause, but not the Dalai Lama and his former fuedal state. There will be many more facts displayed as this site comes together, combined with collaborating evidence. This site fears no criticism, as truth, religious and political freedom and justice are all on our side. Comments will be properly refuted so long as remarks are tasteful. please keep up to date on what is really going on, not just what Nazis (like the author of the book and movie Seven Years In Tibet, Heinrick Harrer) and slave owners (Like the "God King" himself, the Dalai Lama ) have to say. This site will be a constant truth source to the gaping sore of constant lies as George Orwell called it "reality in reverse" or "Tyranny is freedom".

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