In times of dysfunctional land registration a situation of multiple titling over the one parcel of land can arise. This is not necessarily a conspiracy but often arises as a result of mistake in the registry itself. The extraordinary aspect of this situation is that the general public almost universally believes that land transfer is occurring normally. This mass delusion appears to be kept in place by serious blindsiding on the part of those involved in conveyancing; the human need to believe that the land tenure system is stable and probably engendered by the dependence of the media in general on real estate advertising - making the whole subject taboo.

Land scams sometimes arise as a means of keeping land transfer going in the face of an increasingly gridlocked registry. Dysfunctional land registration is visible in a general failure of any systems design, rules or protocols within the registry and also in the large number of anomolies in the documents of land transfer. Some examples are provided below.

Ambiguity in Title Plans
Anomolous Council Rates
Re-use of Valuation Numbers
The Valuer
The Lawyer
Problems in Title Systems
The Missing Tenant in Common
The Bank - Do Banks Know about False Land Titles?
Two Folios?
Hydro & Other Easements
The Courts
Harassment of Proprietors