Civilization Time - The New Epochal Book by Peter and Tara Hogan (6 yo) First Published 12009CT -
ISBN: 978-0-646-50793-4 - only 2 words long on a tablet 56 mm (H) x 40mm (W) yet it leaves the reader pondering for hours afterwards... What the book publishers, reviewers, critics, and blogs are saying about Civilization Time, The Epochal Book: "Couldn't put it down ... OK it is only 2 words, but it got me thinking, I want to know more, including about what my own ancestors got up to..." - Everly, Year 1, Kiengir Public School Official Civilization Time Book Launch / Author Signing Coming Soon CT-zen founding authors, Peter & Tara Hogan, are currently setting things up (wish we had an agent!). Could be Dymocks George Street Sydney, Kinokuniya Town Hall (since Pete used to live in Japan and do 'tatsu-yomi' at their store). Will probably be late January or early February '09. In addition we will be at whatever book store wants to invite us around the world as we step up our book signing tour. A key objective is to encourage kids reading of history - who first invented what, e.g. Sumerian cuneiform writing and the first ever recorded story, "The Gilgamesh Epic". Ordering Information for Bookshops and Distributors Enquiries and Orders: Peter & Tara Hogan Civilization Time - The Epochal Book PO Box 1 Potts Point NSW 1335 Sydney Australia CT Email: Civilization Time Book Webpage: Peter & Tara Hogan at Facebook: Our New Civilization Time Blog: Availability Civilization Time, The Epochal Book is literally a "Childmade Book" - co-author and producer / printer Tara Hogan (Year 1 Darlinghurst Public, oh and established auteur - just Google her)) is currently turning out about one per day depending on what's on the Playhouse Disney Channel. Output might change if we could ever interest a mainstream publisher. Format Hardcopy - 12 tablets, 6 as double-sided, 56 mm (H) x 40mm (W), corner bound. Comes in ancient looking box (Tara Art) 65 mm (H) x 50mm (W) - you open it and the tablets are buried in sand (can any kids in Iraq send us original Arabian sand!). Just the way the "Gilgamesh Epic" - first ever written story - was unearthed in Iraq, after being lost to history for thousands of years. ![]() ![]() Click for civilization_time_book.wmv or check YouTube: Also "Tara in CT Book Production" at YouTube Electronic / CT eBook version - is of course free - simply a matter of printing the civilization_time.jpg file and having fun putting it together yourself. Pricing RRP - not finalized yet. Thinking of a the following options, all giving full membership to any future Civilization Time Foundation / Clubs / Blogs / Conventions: 1. Inaugural CT-zen Collectors Version - $12.00 2. Inaugural CT-zen Collectors Version with family details included in production - on "Dedication Tablet 5 and CT-zens Tablet 11) - $120.00 3. Gold Version - extra goodies - visit and hang out with CT-zen founders Peter and Tara Hogan - $1,200 4. Platinum Version - even extra special - CT-zen founders Peter and Tara Hogan come to you! - $12,000 5. Officially Designated Founding Benefactor of the Civilization Time Foundation - $120,000! 6. Officially Designated Founding Benefactor of the Civilization Time Foundation Building - $1,200,000! Generally the idea of the CT Book is to encourage children to not just read, buy or borrow books from the library, but to have their own listing - to write and publish little books, and along the way find out about history / check for themselves, especially origins, and to learn tolerance for other cultures. So that's one of the reasons it has been kept very very simple. We are setting up a new blog at so kids around the world can get involved e.g. 1. What does "Civilization Time" mean to you? 2. How do you write it in your language? 3. What should be in Civilization Time-line as a major milestone or invention? Some suggestions: • 1CT (12,009ya) End of the last ice age and emphasis on hunting and gathering, beginning of farming, living in one spot, with extra food some of the group have time to invent stuff... • 7000CT - writing invented in Sumer (Iraq); • 12100CT - paper from China; • 12200-12800CT - numbers from India especially the concept of zero - 1s and 0s being the backbone of modern computer technology. • 12009CT - publication of "Civilization Time" Clay Tablets Book - smallest most important book ever published and not to be copyrighted! Contents: Tablet 1. Civilization Time Peter Hogan • Tara Hogan -- 2. The shortest (12 tiny tablets corner bound) most succinct (two words) most meaningful book ever published in the 12,000 year march of civilization since the end of the last ice age. -- 3. [Title Page] Civilization Time Peter Hogan Tara Hogan [Your Name] Our Ancestors -- 4. Copy-me! The authors Peter & Tara Hogan waive all copyrights - "Civilization Time" belongs to all of us. ISBN: 978-0-646-50793-4 First Published 12009CT 'Childmade Books' -- 5. [Dedication] For Our Children [ Graphic: Tiny CT tablets book in palm of 6 yo's hand] "Selfishness lasts a day Civilization endures forever" - Unknown Sumerian Scribe c. 7000CT. -- 6. Foreword As families all round the world reel from the financial crisis characterized by greed and selfishness it's timely to unearth just two words. Peter & Tara (6yo) Hogan - 20 Jan. 12009 -- 7. [Body Text: 2 words in various languages] Civilization... -- 8. ...Time [The End] -- 9. Credits The first inventors e.g. Japan - Jomom pottery; Sumer - cities, writing (Gilgamesh Epic) the wheel, law...; Egypt - time; Balkans - copper working; China - paper, printing, gunpowder, ice cream! India - numbering system (esp 0-1 computers);... -- 10. Notes to New CT-zens There can be no copyright on Civilization Time - feel free to copy, add your own artistic expression, market, and sell our little CT Tablets meme at a price to make distribution viable for you. Add your details to Tablet 11. -- 11. [Graphic: Un-Earthing Authors] Founding CT-zens, Peter & Tara Hogan (ancestors pioneered Byron Bay 11882). And new members: [Your details here] -- 12. [Back Cover] The shortest most meaningful book ever published in the 12000 year march of civilization [Graphic: Stone clock-like artefact ("C.I.V.I.L.I.Z.A.T.I.O.N." has 12 letters!)] == |