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THIMO ZEGERS - 10/08/00 17:57:19
My URL:http://home.wanadoo.nl/stadsschutterij.strosa/Index.htm

In name of the Civilian Miltairy Guards from the city of Sittard (the Netherlands) I send you the best compliments for your great looking homepage, with a lot of information about your band. I hope you will visit our site too, and learn something about our Civilian Guards in Holland. In friendship, Thimo Zegers, 1st Flagofficer.

Tony Jansen - 09/24/00 17:37:27
My URL:http://www.skybusiness.com/tjppercussion
My Email:tonytjp@netactive.co.za

Great to read about you. I hope you dont mind but I'm sending you some info about some great new products that we've developed here in darkest Africa. It's not that dark if it has Pipe Bands! Cheers.

Tim Ivers - 03/13/00 16:31:45
My Email:Zebrat711@aol.com

It is gratifying to finally see the NCPD Pipe Band on the web. As one of your original, charter member pipers, I surely enjoy hearing a pipe band perform, and living here in the heart of "redneck central", you can be sure the sounds of the pipes and drum are not an everyday occurrence. In fact, you would be hard pressed to hear or see of any mention that it is St. Patrick's Day. However, things are changing, slowly but optimistically. Panama City, Florida has recently formed a pipe band. The nearest b nd prior to this time has been the McGuire's Pub Band from Pensacola, 100 miles away. If the NCPD Pipe Band ever appeared here in a parade, you would simply blow them away; most people have never seen anything like it. My best regards to all the pipers and drummers, especially the old timers who were there when I was. Tim Ivers (Police Sergeant, Navy Base, Dept. of Defense, Panama City Beach, Florida)

Ellen..aka..BUGGY - 03/07/00 19:04:58
My Email:DaBuggy1@aol.com

Growing up in the family that i did...this wonderful music was considered the "norm"....I just melt when i hear those pipes blare out Amazing Grace!...it all has alot of sentimental meaning for me...The band was at my wedding..at many funerals ...they are all so awesome!...especially...one favorite drummer of mine....my Unc..My Godfather..the one and only Mr.Nellis!..(Hi Uncle Jim)..heehee..Love you all..thank you all for everything you have done for my family...always..Buggy

FiainRos - 03/07/00 18:25:43
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com//fiainros/celt1.html
My Email:FiainRos@aol.com

Tried these comments in an email but i am told that the member no longer exists....in any case I LOVE the site, and I am wishing for three things....First, that this lovely site be soon updated, second, that I might find a picture here of my lovely and mu h much older brother James B Nellis sometime--he who will surely kill me for mentioning him... And third, by no means least , I wish always for Windy Days and Men In Kilts. LOL. PS- where might I find a copy of the wav. yu have uploaded here--i love it!

FiainRos - 03/07/00 18:16:19


Ed Merritt - 01/15/00 17:33:36
My URL:http://cocpb.hypermart.net
My Email:Hilndr30@aol.com

Hi, I just surfed in on your Website. The pic's are great. I never knew that you guy's had a Pipe band. I used to play with the Gordon Highlanders in Locust Valley. I am now with a couple of local Pipe bands here in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I also pipe for t e local Sheriff's Dept where I have been working for about 4 years now. Best of luck to all your members!!!!!!! Be safe and Blow hard!!!!! Edward K. Merritt Hilndr30@aol.com City of Chattanooga Pipe band http//cocpb.hypermart.net << You can't get Chickens from Hawks eggs >>

Megan Riordan - 11/29/99 22:02:45
My Email:rtrsouth@aol.com

Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!

Billy Mac - 11/29/99 03:53:06
My Email:CPD428@AOL.com

Excellent site, Do you have any merchandise for sale or trade ? Hat's, patches etc.

Patricia - 07/18/99 20:20:29
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Irishpoets
My Email:Irishpoets@aol.com

We are a publishing company offering genuine opportunity to Irish Poets for publishing and the restoration of part of Ireland's heritage. Check out our web site. http://members.aol.com/Irishpoets

KEN AUER - 03/03/99 18:16:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/MolloyHSPipeBand/
My Email:kauer@mooloyhs.org

good luck this year. hope to see you out there this season.

Tom McLaughlin, Bandmaster, NYS Fraternal Order of Police Irish Warpipe Band - 03/03/99 08:00:15
My Email:TommyMac59

Great page...for a Great Band !!! See ya' all out there !!!

John Moloughney - 12/24/98 20:16:22
My Email:jmoloughney@tinet.ie

Best wishes to the Band on celebrating 25 years on the road, travelled on the band bus after Mass and breakfast on St. Patrick's Day 1990 to 5 th. Ave ( the most miserable of rainy days). You guys got away before the rains came, I was playing with Innis F da that day and got soaked, had left my cape on the bus, I have some very good photos which I took before the parade, regards to Don Goller and all the other fellows.Its time I made the trip again, J. Moloughney , Garda College , Templemore, Co. Tipperary

- 12/01/98 23:31:35


- 12/01/98 23:31:18


Ken Konrad - 11/24/98 15:51:47
My URL:/~ncpd5th/
My Email:kendoitall@aol.com

Very nice page! Who was the artist?

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