Pipe Band

Long Island, New York

St. Patrick's Day Parade - March 1998 - New York City

Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary

A bit of our history...
The Emerald Society Pipe Band of the Nassau County Police was founded in September, 1974. It's purpose was to formulate and promote an interest in bagpiping and drumming, while creating a friendly and fraternal spirit among its members. With Jerry Cronin as Bandmaster and Bob Rafferty as his assistant, the dream was finally realized.
The Band made it's first appearance in 1975 at Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, N.Y. with eight pipers and four drummers.
Our first twenty five years were memorable and the next twenty five hold the promise of being that and much more. Thank you for all of our supporters and families for their patience.

The tradition continues...



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