Dave - 10/27/00 18:00:17
My URL:/hutchdave_2000
My Email:davehutchings@usa.net

Great website thanks for the tour..

The Cheeta

Visit My Site @ http://www.geocities.com/hutchdave_2000

Peggi - 09/10/00 07:25:28
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Kristafari/doc
My Email:Kristafari@webtv.net

I really enjoy your topics. What argument? I go along with everything you've said. I sure enjoyed my visit and will come back again. Good job!!

Rock - 06/13/00 00:36:28
My URL:http://www.rockreports.com
My Email:rock@rockreports.com

Good site, I like it.

THE-PLUMMER - 10/25/99 03:33:20
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/THE-PLUMMER/DAMMITJIMIMAPLUMMER
My Email:THE-PLUMMER@webtv.net

Great page very funny

Char-Lez Braden - 09/07/99 12:53:00
My URL:http://www.freecitizen.com/
My Email:cbraden@freecitizen.com

I was surfing and found your web site. We are both interested in politics.Please look at this web page. Thank you

Dandelion - 07/05/99 05:01:35
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/kozmik1/
My Email:lionsteeth@aol.com

I really liked your site a lot! You have done a great job! I especially liked Clinton's Love Child, LOL! Take care, and thanks for the laughs!

Stormybear - 06/02/99 21:30:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/supernatural
My Email:bardicrose69@yahoo.com

You good a great site here keep up the good work :-)

Stormybear - 06/02/99 21:27:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/supernatural
My Email:bardicrose69@yahoo.com

You good a great site here keep up the good work :-)

Carolyn - 05/22/99 23:34:30
My URL:http://www.rightgrrl.com
My Email:carolyn@interstat.net.nospam

Hey there - I have been to your site many times but never signed the guestbook! Keep up the good work on your page! (since you wanted people to vote in your poll..) Now, I wonder.... if it is proven that Clinton lied under oath and tried to get others to o the same, is everyone STILL going to forgive this man? If so, why is he above the law, and why does no one care that he lied to everyone's face? ("I did not have sexual relations with that women... Ms. Lewinsky...")

Jeffrey Crussell - 02/18/99 13:37:25
My URL:http://www.classicbiker.com
My Email:classicbiker@earthlink.net

Just was surfing, I really like that BSA, Check out our new motorcycle web site "Classic Biker" at http://www.classicbiker.com We have all types of sections including events, bikes for sale, history, racing and much more. Let us know what your interests are and how we might incorporate them in our site. Thanks JC

Steven Reed - 02/17/99 21:13:01
My URL:http://polaris.umuc.edu/~sreed/
My Email:steree99@erols.com

I will be placing on the site a very interesting story about Elizabeth Dole. The story will be uploaded in pdf and html formats. Please stop by the site and check out the story, I hope that you will find it interesting.

Roy Neset - 02/14/99 01:40:35
My URL:http://www.thegalleria.net/stonetobacco/neset.htm
My Email:rkneset@ndak.net

great site, I hope we can get rid of the criminal yet though.

Steven Hernandez - 02/13/99 13:04:10
My Email:makessense@hotmail.com

Attention conservatives! This is a campaign that needs our attention! << SPECIAL PRESIDENT'S DAY OBSERVANCE CS member LCOL JP Thomas in FL suggested we recognize the distress President Clinton has caused to the nation by hoisting the ensign upside-down, the international distress signal. We also think it would be nice to honk your car horn at 1230 pm on February 15th to drown out the drone of liberals who say Americans don't care. Col. Thomas has written a great proclamation that sums up the situation, and DRs Williams and Sowell are on point in their columns this week. Please spread the word! >>

Lauren Newell - 01/31/99 00:17:09
My URL:http://hatecrimeshm.webjump.com
My Email:laursunshine@yahoo.com

I thought this might spark your interest...but The Hate Crimes Legislation is being brought up again this year to pass into law. As you may know, this legislation it is a threat to our country’s constitution and to Christians (or any religion/or minority) If you would like to take a stand please visit this site and sign the petition against the Hate Crimes Prevention Act. You will also find useful links to help educate yourself on this legislation. Please pass this site onto your friends. And remember "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens devoted to God can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." God bless you!

Hernan Halim - 01/06/99 08:30:51
My URL:http://come.to/Hernan
My Email:enan84@hotmail.com

You having the most beutiful Homepage what i eve seen. The WHITE HOUSE picture that was very nice (Where that you find it?) I'm very agree about what the people said at your Guest Book. They said your Homepage is the best Homepage. I agree with those word Please visit my Homepage also someday, OK. See you and bye.......

John - 12/28/98 08:44:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Johns_Views
My Email:jsulliva@ionet.net

Returning your visit to my page, you also have a good site. Keep up the work, we need to get the truth out without it being "filtered" by the unethical national press.

Far Rigth - 12/12/98 19:52:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/FARRIGHT/
My Email:farright@angelfire.com

Wake up America, the lies from the elite liberal Democrats are right in your face, You've got to look beyond the spin. The CNN (Clinton News Network) cronies will not always tell you the full truth. Come visit my site and see the truth!!!

Brian Huff - 12/09/98 03:14:18
My Email:patriot@inwave.com

Good work on the web page, its too bad that you will have to be eliminated by the Clinton hit men.

Dave Jones - 11/11/98 13:05:38
My URL:http://conk.com/world/scarey
My Email:informer@tfz.net

Hello,Be sure to check out this site... It's about the wicked witch of the northwest, Helen Chenowitch!

Linda Stanberry - 11/09/98 16:03:37
My Email:rozjim@casscomm.com

Hello,didn't bother to read anything on Clinton as I voted for him and don't regret it. I am not saying what he did was right but take a look at the other presidents...they were no saints....LEAVE HIM ALONE AND LET HIM RUN THE COUNTRY......WHO REALLY CAR S WHAT HE DOES IN HIS PERSONAL LIFE, IT'S BETWEEN HIM, HILLARY AND GOD.............

Larry - 11/08/98 13:45:10
My Email:janko1099@jnlk.com

Hello,I haven't seen a road bike I loved as much since I wrecked my 441 Victor in '72 Had it setup for cooking on county roads like yours is replaced it with a '67 Triumph Bonneville - no where's near as good Is your bike an ex-spitfire The tank looks like a spitfire tank Who's front brake is that? - looks massive My recollection is that the real stubby velocity stacks work better than the medium length ones you have - good for another 1-3 hp; give them a try if you can find them

guest987 - 10/05/98 01:20:35
My Email:grunfeld8@hotmail.com

You're good at chess!!! But you're not good to enter letters on the computer!!!

Cindy Tailing - 09/10/98 14:37:42
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com

Nice page, please come visit my site. I also would like to get your award for my page.

Mike C. - 08/29/98 04:16:41
My Email:carolmike@earthlink.net

Just came back to your site to view new changes and boy was I surprised! I've saved this site along with your Future Science Site on my favorites lost. Both are simply awesome! Keep up the good work, as I look forward to returning often. Mike C.

Frank - 07/08/98 16:08:22
My Email:DeepBluEys@aol.com

I enjoyed you acticle on Tal,good luck with your project on the remaining world chess champions.This is a very interesting subject and there have been some good books written about them too. Frank

Dennis Cannarell - 06/12/98 11:57:53

Hello Len I also have four BSA motorcles.The years are, 64, 66, 70, and 71. The 71 is 69 frame 53 front end all lighting 650's motors. Where to you live in New Jersey?

Kevin - 05/01/98 19:16:07
My Email:jackalel@yahoo.com

Hi Len, You've got a lot of work to .do

Scotty - 05/01/98 14:14:05
My Email:ScottyB317

Where can I get a kit?I've been looking for one.

Morgan Johansson - 04/29/98 15:19:54
My URL:http://www.algonet.se/~bsamolle
My Email:bsamolle@algonet.se

Hello Lenny, I like to see pictures of racing machines there are not to many on the web.

AlScuotto - 04/28/98 14:37:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Haven/1291/
My Email:scuotto@bellatlantic.net

Hello Lenny this is my new Email address.

Brian McCarthy - 04/26/98 19:39:31
My URL:http://menbers.aol.com/bncc.html
My Email:BmcC333@aol.com

Hello Lenny Will you please add my page to your Chess Links.

diane walker - 04/24/98 03:23:02
My Email:dw424@aol.com

Hi Lenny Great Webpage Hope your having a good week

Rickard Nebrer - 04/04/98 20:22:35
My Email:nebrer@mail.bip.net

Hello Leonard, I like the pictures of your BSA motorcycle.

Albert Scuotto - 03/05/98 21:32:37
My Email:scuotto@gorgon.com

Hello Lenny This is my new Email address, also you just keep on getting more and more Awards.

Rafael A. Diaz Martinez - 03/03/98 00:26:10
My Email:rafa@intersoftware.com.mx

Thank you for your help with the hard drive installation.

Mike Conklin - 02/27/98 16:46:56
My Email:Karomike@aol.com

Your the first one to get my new Email address.

Mike Goy - 02/23/98 17:27:03
My Email:GUNKY45255@aol.com

Your site just keeps on getting better and better.

Thomas Bartell - 02/20/98 20:38:29
My Email:tbart3333@aol.com

I like the music on your site.

Mike Conklin - 02/09/98 15:49:12
My Email:mikhailconk@msn.com

This site is ranked number one in my book.

Al Scuotto - 02/04/98 19:52:30
My Email:scuotto@usa.net

Not bad lenny for the first time.I will keep my eye on it

Mike Goy - 02/02/98 15:59:06
My Email:Grunky@msn.com

The best site I have ever saw!

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