The World's Most Active Chess Club

My favorites

Holmdel Chees Club - I am a member.
Wayne Chess Problem Page - Problem changes one a week.
My son's chess teacher Page
CC Web Site
Inside Chess
Internet Chess Club Home Page
Steve Pribut's Chess Page
This Week in Chess by Mark Crowther
United States Chess Federation
University of Pittsburgh Chess Page
Chess in Iceland
Yahoo's Chess Links

Chess Servers

Internet Chess Club (ICC) - The world's most active chess club! It is commercial, but I'd strongly recommend it.
ICC Home Page
British FICS
Chessmaster Live
Croatia's FICS
France's FICS
Free Internet Chess Server (FICS)
German FICS
MaxICS - a free, newer server
Mexican FICS
Netherland's FICS
Sweden's FICS

And for a change of pace:

Go Server

Chess News and Publications

Planet Chess
This Week in Chess by Mark Crowther
A64 Chess Tournaments Calendar - an on-line chess tournaments calendar open for all tournaments around the world
Australian Chess News
Austrian Correspondence Chess Federation
Chess Life Online - focuses mainly on covering U.S. events and professional players (updated weekly)
British Chess Links Page
Chess Bits & Pieces Newsletter (IECC)
Chess Informant
Chess Renaissance Newsletter Archives
Chess World Magazine - Italian
Chris' Nutty Chess - online edition
Down the Diagonal
East Anglian Daily Times - Kevin O'Connell's twice weekly chess column
Hypermodern Press' Home Page
Inside Chess
International Computer Chess Association
International Computer Chess Association (ICCA) Journal
Kevin O´Connell´s Index - "which often has up-to-date inside information from the top events that does not appear elsewhere"
Kingpin Chess Magazine
Article from Kingpin
Lost Boys Chess Page - chess news and tournament coverage
Matou - magazine from the Ottawa chess league
Mecca - the Chess Encyclopedia New in Chess Magazine
News from Inside Chess Magazine
Quah Seng Sun's Weekly Chess News - Malaysian Chess News
Scacco (Italian)
Schacknytt - news, articles, games and more (Swedish)
Smartmoves by GM Ron Henley
Tasc Chess Calandar by Eric van der Schilden
The California Chess Journal
Utah Chess Online - by John Coffey

Clubs and Organizations

Alabama Chess Federation
Alberta Chess Association
Amsterdam Chess Club Schaakvereniging Isolani - your entry to the Dutch (Amsterdam) chess scene
ANU Chess Club
Arlington Chess Club
Barnet Chess Club - a British Chess Club featuring games, technical articles, and links
Barrie Chess Club - Ontario, Canada
Belconnen Chess Club - Australia
Belo Horizonte Chess Club - includes Brazilian tournament results
Beverly Farms Eagles Chess Club
Bluegrass Chess - about chess in Lexington, KY
Brazilian Chess Federation
Bucknell University Chess Club
CalChess - the Northern California Chess Association
Charleston Chess Club
Charlottesville Chess Club
Chess at the SV Werder Bremen - Java chess viewer with games of their top players, analysis by FM C.D. Meyer, other teams, news, and links
Chessclub Caissa - in Amsterdam
Chess Club of BIEL (Switzerland)
Chess Club of Virginia Tech
Chessclub Rijssen
Chessclub UVS - Dutch language site which offers information about a club in the Netherlands
Chess Club Tal - in Amsterdam
Chess Emporium - an Arizona chess center providing tournaments, lessons, equipment and casual play
Chess Federation of Canada
Chess Federation of Slovenia
Chess for Juniors - a private chess club and camp for Juniors located in Southern CA
Chess World Australia
Cheyenne Chess Club - describes 100 rated chess players in Wyoming, tournaments, results, meeting places
Circolo Scacchi Corsico (in Italian)
Columbia University Chess Club
Dallas Chess Club
Edinburgh Chess Club - The second oldest club in the world, 175 years old
Eksjö Schackklubb - a Swedish chess club
En Passant - Chess in Norresundby Denmark, Chess programs, graphics, utilities and fonts for DTP
Exeter Chess Home Page
Exeter's coaching page
Forest City Chess Association
Gainesville Chess Club
Gold Coast Chess Club Home Page
Gotaverken Chess Club - a club in Gothenburg, Sweden
The Gwent Chess Association - News and results from Gwent and information on the Gwent 4NCL team
Hamilton Chess Club
Hellas Chess Club
Homepage ST Remisdemi - A German Chess Club
Houston Chess Club
Hull Chess Club
Huntingdon Valley Chess Society Juniors
Huntsville Chess Club
ICL Chess Club
ICCF (International Correspondence Chess Federation)
ICL Chess Club
Illini Chess Club - at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois Chess Association
International Computer Chess Association
International Chess by E-mail Group
Kärra Schacksällskap - in Sweden
Knight Owl Chess Club
Krimpen aan den IJssel
Kristallen Chess Club
Lanier Chess
Lessebo/Kosta SK - a Chessclub in Sweden
Lewis + Harris Junior Chess Association
Macau Chess Association (GXM)
Maryland Chess Association
Memphis Scholastic Chess (MSC Online) - tournament information, top 25 lists, and news about scholastic chess in Memphis, TN
Michigan Chess Association (MCA)
Mölndals Schackklubb
Nashville Chess Center
Nova Scotia Chess Page - The website of organized chess in Atlantic Canada's province of Nova Scotia
Oklahoma Junior Chess Association (OJCA)
Pittsburgh Chess Club
Polgar Chess Center - Game annotations, photos, the Polgar sisters' input to the chess world
Quebec Chess Federation (in French)
Rotterdam Chess Association (RSB)
Sacramento City Chess Club
Saint John Chess Club - club events, ratings of all Maritimes (Canada) players, local tournament crosstables
Saskatchewan Chess Association
Schaakclub Utrecht
Scottish Chess Association
SG 31 Bensheim
SG Suderwich - German Chess Club in Recklinghausen with information about the teams, links, and chat
Southern Arizona Chess Association (SACA)
Spanish Chess Federation
Stuy Town Chess Club
SV Anderssen Arolsen - Homepage of the SV Anderssen Arolsen
Swedish Computer Chess Association Home Page
Tennessee Chess Association
Texas Chess Association
Troy Chess Club - a chess club in Troy, Michigan. Reports of tournament results, notice of upcoming events
Turm Trier chess club
UMBC Chess Club
University of Minnesota Chess Club
University of Maryland Chess Club
University of Pennsylvania Chess Club
Unofficial Oberlin Chess Club home page
U.S. Chess Center
U.S.C. Chess Club
Växjö Schackklubb - in Sweden
Victoria Chess Club
Virginia Chess Federation
Western Kentucky Univ Chess Club

Home Pages

Bill Wall's Chess Links
CC Web Site - John Knudsen's pages devoted to Correspondence Chess
Chess is Fun - by Jon Edwards
GM Gabriel Schwartzman's Home Page - also home to his Internet Chess Academy
GM Gregory Kaidanov's Homepage
Let's Talk Chess - by Kenn Thompson
Paul Verheist's Computer Chess Programming
Randy's Revealing Reviews - reviews, instructive games, and links
Steve Pribut's Chess Page
Steve Rix's Chess Page
GM Anatoly Karpov
GM Alex Fishbein
GM Alexander Beliavsky
GM Leonid Shamkovich
GM Patrick Wolff
IM Mark Ginsburg
WGM Anjelina Belakovskaia's Chess Page - with collections of images, pictures, her best games, and her reach uscf 2000 program
101 Chess Ave. - by Ricky Carew with some articles and chess links
1st Croatian Chess Home Page
Achim Engelhart's Chess Page
Aladin's guide to chess on the web
Al Losoff's Chess Home Page
Andy Gills' Chess Page
Al Kerr's Chess page
Amy's Home Page
Annotated Chess Games and Stuff by Michael Finn
Ari Mäkelä's personal page
Armin's opening tips and links - tips for your opening repertoire and many chess links
Bob's Chess Club
Bo Sjögren's Chess Resources
Brentius Patzerion's Chess Forum
Bruce Leverett's Home Page
Buggs Homepage
Cash Jennings Home Page
Chess and Stamps - by Olaf Herzog
Chess Corner - contains chess instruction and information about chess in the UK
Chess Domain - teaches, analyzes, chat, problem solving, game analysis
Chessfiend - a nice site by Marc Johnson
Chessnia BBS - IM Javier Gil's weekly chess column, chess tutoring services, commented links
Chess Links by Goob - a nice collection of chess links with a special section for ICC members
Chess Net - by Bertrand Hauser (French)
Chess Players Play Chess by Driggs
Chess Resources
Chess Tests - Valentin Albillo's Chess Page - A nice page featuring positions to test a computer chess program's ability
Christian Labelle's Chess Page - in French and English
Dan's Chess Pages
Dave Levine's Chess Page
Dean S. Mah's Home Page
Dennis Breuker's chess page
Dr. Roy C. Schmidt
Duif's Place - usually contains recent news
Editrice Chess Home Page
Eric Schiller's Home Page
Febi's Chess Page
Fun Chess Positions - by John Coffey
Gero H. Marten's Chess Links
Gilles's Homepage - Gilles Terreaux's personal page from Switzerland
Giorgio Chinnici's Chess Page (in Italian)
Guanyao Cheng Chess Page
Hartogh's Hot Chess Links - a list of chess clubs, equipment, homepages, search engines, and internet tools
Hemsoft Chess Page - has many full tournaments in pgn format - by Franz Hemmer
Holger vs WWW
Home of Aaron the Actuary
IGCRay's Chess Page
Ignacio Marin's homepage
Igor Frieberger's Chess page - includes the lastest chess news, archives and reviews, available in English and Portuguese
James A. Reichel's Home Page
Jerry Lawson's Chess Pages
Jim Bach on Chess - book recommendations, chess links, his favorite games, and more
Jim Weinheimer's Home Page - Has written a short biography on Eugene Cook (as in to "cook" a problem)
Johnny McMenamin's Chess Page - devoted to Bobby Fischer
John's Chess Page - nice page by John Jernigan featuring weekly chess problems
Jose Olivera Jr's Homepage - about Jose and his interests - some chess links included
Kais Mbarek's Chess Page
Leonids Homepage
Mark Ransom's Chess Page
Manolis Stratakis Chess Page
Mario Velucchi's Home Page
Myron Lieberman's Chess on the Internet
Norbert Friedrich's Chess Page
Ömer's Chess Page - animated famous games, problems, links and more
Orcus' Chess Page
Paul Caskey's Chess
Paul Verhelst's Chess Page
Pirol's Chess Page
Prasad Chodavarapu's Page
Ralphs CECAM Homepage
Rec Room by Tom Gannon
Remy de Ruysscher's Chess Page
Rev. J. B. Bell
Robert Buice's Chess Page
Robert Efroymson's Chess Page
Rudolf Steinkellner's Chess page
Ryan's Chess Corner - Annotated chess games by Extreme Chess, Chess Problem Competition, Chess puzzle of the week
Scotch 4...Qh4 - Villy Fink Isaksen's chess page devoted mostly to this opening variation
Scott's Chessboard - Scott Kern's page with information on New Mexico and Texas chess, lessons, and links
Steve Saunders' Chess Page
Stuart the Maniac's Chess Closet
Suku's Home Page
Tales of 1001 Knights - essays, amusing games, info on ICC & Chess-L, an eclectic archive
Thanatos' Chess Page
Tim Harding's Home Page - Harding is a journalist and chess author
Tim Mann's Chess Page
Tom Purser's Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Pages
Tony's Home Page
Udo Kliche's Homepage
Uncrowned Kings - dedicated to a group of players who were not granted the chance to play a match for the world title
Val Kartcher's games page
Voto Rallo's Home Page - in Italian, devoted to chess problems and variants
Will Friday's Chess Page - includes the chess art for which he's won awards among other things
Yobes' Chess Page
Yngvi's Chess Page

Internet news groups

Chess News Archives - archive of and

Correspondence and Email Chess

John Knudsen's CC Page
Chess Mail
International Email Chess Club
1.b4 Tournaments - by Marek Trokenheim
Brazilian Correspondence Chess Association
Canadian Correspondence Chess Association - tournament results, games and information from the CCCA
E-Chess - Easy access Email chess, players of many different skill levels
Fernschach International
ICCA Journal
International Correspondence Chess Federation
Irish Correspondence Chess Association page
kNights Of the Square Table (NOST)
S.E.M.I. Tournaments
The Gambit page of Thomas Stock, MD - A page for CC-Gambit players
The International Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF)
Trancendental Chess
University of Alberta Chess By Email

Playing Chess on the WWW

Chess Dominion - Very well done site to learn how to play and improve your chess. Nice chess graphics and sound clips
Caissa's Web
ChessLive! - for Java-capable browsers
GMT Chess - for Java-capable browsers
GNU WebChess
iChess - for Java-capable browsers. Spectators can watch live games with players' moves animated on screen
Information about Tempest Chess
Outland Chess
Play chess against tkChess
Playsite - Java game site
Schizophrenic Internet Chess Online (SICO) - Different, free, transient chess games
The Zone

FAQs and Chess Related Texts

About FIDE
A Chess Chow Column
Another Chess Chow Column
Archon Ultra - a review of the commercial game.
Biographical information on some Notable Chess Personalities
Blade Runner FAQ 2.2: Part 10
Chess and mesh
Chess article from Jason Corley
Chess History by Bill Wall
Chess Puzzles at the Puzzle Junction
CM4000 Review - A review of Chessmaster 4000 Turbo for Windows from Mindscape
Deja Vu FAQ
Dutch Chess Federation Online Rating List
Explanation-based neural network learning in chess
FIDE Laws of Chess
Freeware Chess for Mac?
GM Yasser Seirawan's diary - from the Donner Memorial
How To Tell If Yout Head's About To Blow Up
Lets go dancing
Macintosh Chess FAQ
Master Preparation
MIT AI lab pubs bibliography - Page with historically significant computer chess entries.
Psychology of the Chess Player
Some Chess FAQS
Steinitz's Theory - Key elements of the Steinitz theory
Swedish Computer Chess Program Rating List
Tim Mann's Chess Page - he maintains the gnu.chess FAQ
The Queens on a Chessboard problem
The Temptation of Saint Anthony: The Prima-Donna (Fiction)
The Triumphant Return of Bobby
The Usenet FAQ for Chess
WBCA Rules

Software / Software Demos

3D Chess - An advertisement for Hyperchess.
b8view.exe - Book Up Viewer
Chenard - a freeware chess program written by Don Cross (C++ source is available also)
Chess Assistant - Chess Assistant and other programs, chess news from Russia, commented games
Chesslink - lets you play chess against another player over a modem
Chessmaster 4000 Patch - cm4000.exe is an upgrade for Chessmaster 4000 Turbo for MS-Windows 3.1
Chess Mentor tutorial program from Aficionado, Inc
Chess Tutor - uses a Java applet to catalog and display PGN databases graphically Chess Widower's Home Page - reviews popular commercial chess software and hardware, by Robert Pawlak
Chesswriter - Game Replay / Editing Software for the Mac
Czech (HTML Generator for Chess) - by David Zechiel
Demos of Chessica, Tascbase, Tasc Chess Tutor
MacChess - excellent freeware chess playing program for the Macintosh Rebel Decade functional Chess Program
Rob Weir's ChessBase Utilities
TechUtopia - a small IT company which has written a shareware play-by-mail chess package
The Games Exchange for Nicbase and Chessbase
The Tasc ChessSystem

Variants of Chess

Home Page of The Chess Variant Pages - a comprehensive collection of chess variants
3-Dimensional Chess Homepage
3D Chess Rules
Beer Chess
Bishops - a four player board game
Bughouse Web Page
Cardinal Super Chess's Home Page
Chess 121 - a description of CHESS 121 and a demo program you can download
EJK personal bughouse index - He plays correspondence bughouse!
Forest Chess & Poker Chess
Hyperchess Home Page
Pieter Stouten's Shogi Page
Regimental Chess: Chess Link Soup
Shogi page (Roger Hare)
Solo Chess - play chess by yourself
Star Chess
The Mecca of Bughouse
Trancendental Chess - A chess variant played by correspondence.
Tri-D chess
William Adams' Magic Chess
World Targetchess Federation

Miscellaneous Chess Links

Mathematical Games & Recreations - Some history on chess and other interesting things!
Chess Champions - includes biographies on many past chess greats
Chess on Stamps
The PMICS home page - Chess front end for OS/2 Warp
Diemer-Duhm Gambit (DDG) Pages
Alternative Chess Openings - covers chess openings for the club player, including wing gambits
Bobby Fischer Home Page - by Johnny McMenamin
Caissa's Cup Chess League - A team chess league played at Caissa's Web
Chess Images at Pitt
Chess Problems
Chess Problem Archives - a site specializing in chess problems including original and archived material. Mostly in French
Deep Blue
ECO Calculator
Internet Chess Art Gallery
Java Chess Clock - by Michael Schwartz -- best viewed with Netscape 2.0 and Windows 95
Mind Sports Olympiad - London, August 18-24, 1997
National Capital FreeNet chess by email.
Nerd World : CHESS
Online Chess Openings Library - contains a Java applet which catalogs and displays any opening available in his Chess Library, by Eduardo Suastegui
PROBLEM: Forslund's chess problem of the month
Retro Problems
Robert Fischer, World Chess Champion
The Beginner's Chess Page
The Chess Show
The Game Room
The GorFo Chess Problems
The Last Homely House's Game Room
The Retrograde Analysis Corner
The Sicilian Defense
The World Wide Web of Sports
USCF ratings by state
Vincent's Chess Problems Page - many chess problems including some of his own design

Commercial Links and Services

ICD / Your Move Chess & Games - "America's Largest Chess Store"
R&D (Chess) Publishing - sells chess-related books and equipment
The Chess Bookshop - an interesting selection of books, a secure on-line ordering system, a choice of delivery methods, links to other chess-related sites, and a list of recommended books with comments
Alpine Chess and Game Fonts - for the Hastings, Linares and Zurich chess fonts
Always Something Different - specializing in "over-sized collector chess sets"
American Chess Shop - located in New York City
Australian Chess Enterprises
Batsford Chess - with a large selection of books
BookUp Books
Chess Assistant - Chess Assistant and other programs, chess news from Russia, commented games
Chess Coaching - by Scott Taylor
Chess Digest, Inc.
Chess Enterprises books
Chess Equipment by Legend Products
Chessex - A gaming store which sells some chess sets
Chess for Students
Chess Mentor by Aficionado - offering a program designed to improve your chess game
Chess Stuff - original design t-shirts speed chess, bug house, hats
Chessworks Unlimited - offers Chessworks and Deja vu products
Chess World Australia - a retailer with links to some columns and chess news
ClubMate - Clubmate sells a chess database with the same name
Doubles Chess
Food for Thought Software, Inc - Info and product description of their Think Like A King School Chess Software System
Giant Chess Set - From Gulliver's Artworks in Canada
Gambit-Soft - mainly sells chess programs, but also chess databases, tutorials, games and more
Geo Chess - three player chess game
Grandmaster Technologies Corporation
H3 Online
Hyperchess - "3d chess that works"
Information on ordering The Simpsons Chess Set
Intelligent Chess Display System - a system enabling you to follow the games which has been used in most of the top level events for the past 11 years
JaMar Galleries - carries a nice selection of hand made boards, tables, and other accessories
Kevin O´Connell´s Index
NETfiera, Le Due Torri - chess shop
Mindscape (makers of ChessMaster 4000/5000)
Schaak en go winkel het Paard - Specialist shop for Go, Chess, Bridge
Schröder BV - Makers of Rebel, Mephisto Gideon Pro, and the Chess Machine series
Tasc Chess Products
Terra Chess - a true three dimensional chess board with a varied topography
The Chess Cafe
The Village Chess Shop - located in Greenwich Village, NYC
U.S. Chess Online Premium Service
Virtual Chess

Other Indices

Chessed! - previously Chess on the Net
Chess Ideas - a listing of select chess sites with nice descriptions
Chesslinks USA
Chesslinks Worldwide
Chess Resources on the Web
Commented Chess Links - A German page with chess links
Echecs et Web
Essential Links to Chess - Link list to key chess resources on the Web
Interesting chess sites on the Web
Sean's web site - The Bucket
World Chess Links - from Inside Chess