Commercial Links and Services
ICD / Your Move Chess & Games - "America's Largest Chess Store"
R&D (Chess) Publishing - sells chess-related books and equipment
The Chess Bookshop - an interesting selection of books, a secure on-line ordering
system, a choice of delivery methods, links to other chess-related sites, and a list of recommended books with comments
Alpine Chess and Game Fonts - for the Hastings, Linares and Zurich chess fonts
Always Something Different - specializing in "over-sized collector chess sets"
American Chess Shop - located in New York City
Australian Chess Enterprises
Batsford Chess - with a large selection of books
BookUp Books
Chess Assistant - Chess Assistant and other programs, chess news from Russia, commented games
Chess Coaching - by Scott Taylor
Chess Digest, Inc.
Chess Enterprises books
Chess Equipment by Legend Products
Chessex - A gaming store which sells some chess sets
Chess for Students
Chess Mentor by Aficionado - offering a program designed to improve your chess game
Chess Stuff - original design t-shirts speed chess, bug house, hats
Chessworks Unlimited - offers Chessworks and Deja vu products
Chess World Australia - a retailer with links to some columns and chess news
ClubMate - Clubmate sells a chess database with the same name
Doubles Chess
Food for Thought Software, Inc - Info and product description of their Think Like A King School Chess Software System
Giant Chess Set - From Gulliver's Artworks in Canada
Gambit-Soft - mainly sells chess programs, but also chess databases, tutorials, games and more
Geo Chess - three player chess game
Grandmaster Technologies Corporation
H3 Online
Hyperchess - "3d chess that works"
Information on ordering The Simpsons Chess Set
Intelligent Chess Display System - a system enabling you to follow the games which has been used in most of the top level events for the past 11 years
JaMar Galleries - carries a nice selection of hand made boards, tables, and other accessories
Kevin O´Connell´s Index
NETfiera, Le Due Torri - chess shop
Mindscape (makers of ChessMaster 4000/5000)
Schaak en go winkel het Paard - Specialist shop for Go, Chess, Bridge
Schröder BV - Makers of Rebel, Mephisto Gideon Pro, and the Chess Machine series
Tasc Chess Products
Terra Chess - a true three dimensional chess board with a varied topography
The Chess Cafe
The Village Chess Shop - located in Greenwich Village, NYC
U.S. Chess Online Premium Service
Virtual Chess
Other Indices
Chessed! - previously Chess on the Net
Chess Ideas - a listing of select chess sites with nice descriptions
Chesslinks USA
Chesslinks Worldwide
Chess Resources on the Web
Commented Chess Links - A German page with chess links
Echecs et Web
Essential Links to Chess - Link list to key chess resources on the Web
Interesting chess sites on the Web
Sean's web site - The Bucket
World Chess Links - from Inside Chess