word-slinger's Home Page

This Is Another Nest of : The NIGHT OWL / \ of - Mensa

- - - YES ! I do have TWO Web Sites - - -

HOWEVER, On This Page, I'm A

TEXAS . . . ''Word-Slinger''

The Description/Theme of This Page is:
Spotlight on Reality

That's Me: Paul Anderson - in 1998

I Did GET some new Up-To-Date CURRENT Photos Last Summer

Some Ladies May Have seen this photo in ads

And, as you can see, I no longer wear glasses

except when reading the fine print

The suit color did not come out exactly correct

but it is a close representation

The picture in that particular suit makes me look too ''stuffy''

while the candid self portraits

take the 'edge' off

my 'over-blown' look

YOU, as a reader of my Web Page,

are invited to write and tell me you thoughts of it now.

CLICK HERE and express yourself:

Yes, I Am A Member of Mensa

As of February 24, 1999, I was invited and did join (I was admitted into)

the ''I.S.P.E.''

(International Society for Philosophical Enquiry)


All members start at the ''Associate'' level. Members of Mensa are aware of this society since it, as well as other similar societies, run ads in the ''Mensa Bulletin'' on a rather regular basis.

Membership in Mensa requires an IQ in the Top Two Percent, or above the 98th percentile. Membership in the I.S.P.E. requires an IQ in the top One-tenth of One Percent, or the 99.9th Percentile. ISPE started as the top one thousand. They now, once again, are called ''The Thousand'' which is what the web page is now titled.

My entry into I.S.P.E. was as an Associate
However, Now, As of 3 April of 2004,
my level was advanced to full MEMBER of that Society
I am now a FULL MEMBER of THE

Go Visit the web site of the I.S.P.E. & view some pages of members

And, as A TEXAS . . . ''Word-Slinger''
or as a NIGHT OWL
Your Choice,

I invite you to

Your Visit and Your Thoughts Are Important to Me!

Your evaluation of both my web pages would be appreciated

YOU are one of ...... visitors since January 1998

YOU measure up nicely by being one of my visitors.

These Type Clouds Can Become Serious. Mostly, they are just good scenery

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Three Views are of the most recent, or Last Airplane, in the Anderson Family

There is a picture of the First Family plane farther down in this page

I have found a photo of that 2nd Anderson airplane. I have added it.
That dependable and reliable 'Bird' was an Aeronca 'TAC' and is
THE AIRPLANE I used when I took

When I flew this Bird, All that commercial lettering was NOT on it.

That is Why I gave it a Paint Job.

Nearly anyone can quickly observe that 'Painting' is Not My Best Talent

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This is the Aeronca 'TAC' that was
THE AIRPLANE I used when I took

All that lettering was added long after I used it to get my first certification. I did not do my student work in a Commercial Set of Wings. For that reason, I have painted over the commercial flying billboard.

This photograph appears to have been taken in the dead of winter. The prevailing color makes it look as though it had stopped off on Mars or Venus for refueling. Truth is that ‘Air-Knocker’ was somewhat sluggish in a climb. In fact, while working on my Private License, the then ''CAA'' (which later became the ''FAA'') required students to practice 'Spins' SOLO to qualify for their PRIVATE LICENSE. That tired old 'Air-Knocker' would get 'out of breath' before reaching 10,000 feet in altitude. Even though I was required to wear a parachute while doing Spins, and other aerobatics maneuvers, I felt better at a higher altitude. Getting to that high altitude took a lot of time.

Another weak spot I had is a love of Sailing Craft.

I still have that affinity for sail.

This WAS My Anderson Family YACHT -Up Close - Many Years Ago

While most small sailboats of the time were more like sailing boards built to plane, mine was a small, assemble it yourself, displacement hull made of Styrofoam. I coated the inside and outside with Fiberglass for stress strength. Position lights and other improvements were added. Something was always being added.

I've heard that such is usually the case for sail powered boats.

An old 'Catamaran' was for sale cheap here in town. The type sail it carried was not evident, but I suspect it was Lateen rigged. I considered looking into it. The paint was faded and there may have been a few leaky cracks in one or both hulls. Apparently it sold, so the thought of 'Beating to the Windward' a few more times, also faded. If I find out it was a ‘Sloop Rigged’ craft, Deep Regret may set in.

In early 2004, I had a chance to speak with man selling that 'Hobie Cat'
It turns out the old blue one did float - but just barely. He said he had to junk it.
He now has the better one for sale for $750 which is tempting,
but I think I'll let it pass.
It could be that it has now been too long for me to get wet again. It sure does look tempting though.

And, of course, here, it is viewed from a distance, Under Sail on Inks Lake.

Call this one: "The Sail And The Summit" :With a good View of Both

Here is a Snapshot I took, from the air one day, while teaching

Look Close and You'll See a Train on the rails to the far Left of the Picture

A few glimpses of the days, months - My year in Tuscany

This is Pisa from the "Leaning Tower of Pisa"

These Photographs are both of Me in my younger days. In the first, or Top one, I'm leaning up against the 'Leaning Tower of Pisa' on a viewing ring near the top. The Alpine Mountain Range is visible in the background. As you can see, I was already good looking.

This second Photo is me atop the 'Leaning Tower' with the city of Pisa in the background. Pisa was once an important seaport city until silt clogged up the Arno River. The Ligurian Sea, an arm of the Mediterranean, is beyond view in the haze. It is the start of the Italian Riviera. The Italian portion of the Riviera starts at about where my station was located. That was about twenty kilometers south of Pisa. That seaside playground wraps around the Ligurian Sea which includes the 'Golfo di Genova'. Of course, at the frontier border with France, it joins and becomes the French Riviera.

Incidentally, so that there are no suggested accusations involved, just because I was in Pisa, and other parts of Tuscany, including Florence, for awhile, I played no part in the animosity that developed between the philosopher, physicist and astronomer Galileo and the Pope of the Catholic Church. That all happened and was resolved over three hundred years before I arrived on the scene in Tuscany. I wanted that fact to be Clear before anyone makes any accusations about me.

These are very old photos but they have endured quite well.

Hi There! Although my reputation has long been that of a Night Owl,

on this page I'm Known as A Texas "Word-Slinger"

With a ''Hide-Out'' in the Silicon Hills of Central Texas

You have found the Hide-out of Paul Anderson, A Texas "Word-Slinger"

(also a Night Owl of Mensa!)

One of My current claims to fame is being
the ''Publicity Chair'' for Lonestar Mensa.
That is a volunteer job that is enjoyable and self rewarding since 1994

Click on to Lonestar Mensa & visit their web page

Go Visit the web site of the I.S.P.E. & view some pages of members

In September of 2000, I was appointed


in the REPUBLIC of LUCASTAN on an Island in the South Pacific

Come on over and Meet the ''Ruling Class'' of The ''Republic of Lucastan''

On December 7, 1998, I was "SWORN IN" as a member of the
City of Leander "BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS" which meets only as needed.

The Term of the Member of the Board is for two years. My first term expired in December of 2000. However, on "Opinion" of the City Attorney, I, along with other members, was used Through late 2001.
However, on a more recent opinion, the members were solicited to re-apply for swearing in as a new two-year term. That did take place. Then, on the 6th of January 2003, along with three other prior members, I was sworn in for another term of two years.

"Thinkers International" is another affiliation. It is no longer moderated by Bill Brown of Ohio. He, along with stu Lucas of Lucastan fame, started it in February of 1997.

And Now - A More Political Background

An activity that was more serious, and political, WAS that of being an Original Member of the First LEANDER CITY CHARTER COMMISSION. We completed a Charter for the city of Leander on April 23, 1998. Work on this document started in August of 1996. The Charter was completed and presented to the Leander City Council at their regular meeting on May 7, 1998. The Vote, by the voting residents of Leander, was on the standard election date of the 8th of August, 1998. Thirty days before this election, the city sent a copy of the complete charter, in both English and Spanish, to each registered voter in Leander. At this election, the voters had the choice to either "Accept" or "Reject" the charter.

The Result was A vote to "Accept" Which DID make Leander a "HOME RULE" city.

LEANDER is now a "HOME RULE CITY" in the state of Texas.

Regardless of what you may have heard, I have not yet entertained the thought of running for President of the United States (to occupy the White House) in the election of 2008. None of the major parties have approached me (at this time.) That issue is still Open for now anyway.

Next get ready For Some Really DULL Reading.

It could be a blessing For readers With Insomnia

The text was so DULL it even bored me. SO, I have deleted it.

Aviation and Flying oriented clubs I have been a member of is too numerous to list. Most, other than the AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) are now extinct. The same is true of most of the photography clubs of which I was a member.

I'm the little one in front of the 1st Anderson Airplane. The grown up adult is my Dad.

The Yellow J-3 Piper Cub had a name too: 'JOSEPHINE'

I came across a 1942 photo of my Dad leaning on sweet ‘Josephine’ holding a slip of paper. That paper was the sales receipt when it was conscripted, along with ALL OTHER PRIVATE or Personal Aircraft in Texas, by the Government, after the entry of the United States into World WAR TWO.

I have found a photo of the 2nd plane the family owned. It was a 1942 model of an Aeronca TAC. It WAS shown earlier back up on this website until I removed it for cleaning and a new paint job.

Meanwhile, here's a photo of another 'TYPE' plane I've flown.

I joined Toastmasters International and that membership was a pleasant experience. However, a surprise was in store when I enrolled in the Dale Carnegie Course. I found that the philosophical approach to public speaking of these two organizations was just nearly exactly opposite. The learning of both approaches to holding the attention of an audience was effective. Although diametrically opposed in concept and theory, both worked well as long as the user kept in mind the limits of each premise.

I taught flying part time for about eight years in the seventies and touching into the eighties. My first student was at Aviation Training Centers (the Fixed Base Operator at what was then Tims Airpark.) I quickly found an opportunity farther North, at the then Georgetown Flying Service ( the "FBO" at Georgetown Municipal ) and then back to Aviation Training Centers. I additionally had some individual students at the Austin Municipal (Robert Mueller) Airport. The students at Austin Municipal were people who owned their own aircraft. I kept my own machine at Austin Municipal (Robert Mueller). This was mainly because of the better Instrument approaches available including a complete ILS (Instrument Landing System) which included the Glide Slope along with the outer and middle marker. It also had a DME Approach, a Localizer Back Course and an NDB Approach.

As you read this today, both Tim's Airpark and Robert Mueller airports are just footnotes in history. They are now closed to air traffic. They are now both Industrial and Commercial Trade Centers. These are two of the changes from the last century.

Some Former and Current avocation activities include:

Some of my former activities included photography (still and video.) I still carry a digital and at least one 35mm still camera with me. Sometimes I even snap a picture, but I'm not as attentive to it (engrossed/consumed by it) as I once was. I am not currently active in any video work.

Here are a couple of photos taken with one of my digital cameras.

Maybe the first and Purple Power is dedicated to the 2002 Bowl Game Win by the Horned Frogs of TCU. I went there once upon a time, in a land not so far away.

While the Yellow Sunflower reminds me of those which grew wild across the street in my barefoot years.

Here is another photo

These are a couple more taken

with one of the digital cameras


Here is a photo I took during the early part of the time when I was in Italy.

A Memorial Service Passes the Leaning Tower of Pisa on a rainy day

The Dark weather accentuated the Somber Mood

Once again, putting Color back into the pictures, The Mounted Italian Carabiniere Honor Guard in Their Full Dress Ceremonial Uniforms, lead the Opening Parade of A Moch Medieval Tournament

It is Held In the Thick Walled Fortress City of Arezzo, about 70 kilometers (~50 miles) South of Florence, in the Alpine Mountains of Central Italy

While watching, I thought My Demise was upon me,
and I wasn't even a contestant in any of the Games
The flimsy Bleachers nearly collapsed when the frenzied crowd
became excited and started Jumping, Hollering and nearly Rioting

According to the tour guide, In ancient times, there were four walled cities, in the center of Italy, who had wars each year.
This was like the US has a Football season every Autumn. Theirs were more serious

This Photo was taken in 1955. Then, and in earlier years, each of these cities sent competing teams to a mock Tournament held in Arezzo.
Each city sent a team of many Knights in Chain and regular Armor.
Many Lances, Battle-Axes, Cross-bows and Far Too Many Arrows flying about.
Just being an innocent, paying spectator was physically risky

On the way home from Italy, Europe and other interesting adventures, I stopped in Africa.

This is Downtown Casablanca. Depending on who's assessment you adopt, this is either the Near East or just North-West Africa.

This is a street scene from the sidewalk in front of a department store looking across the street to a shoe store.

I took a lot of photos in and around Casablanca. I never could find Rick’s American Bar there. When I find one of my better shots, I'll replace this one.

Another hobby I once pursued was Training Drovers to Herd Cats

These are two of my student cats

These two Pupils did quite well

If you wish to add to suggestions for my Home page, or anything else, scribble me a note and elaborate. I promise to read it. If you suggest good ideas, I may want use them.

I have used ideas submitted before.

I look forward to being linked from other pages especially from other members of the groups I have mentioned and linked from my page.

I signed up on 01/25/98 00:41:55, and I'm continuously (well OK, sometimes) working on the content for my page.

My interests are:

Swimming, Photography & Writing

Some of my former (or previous?) interests were:

Flying, Video location taping, Sailing and still photography. If you visit my other web site, you'll notice that I still do 'dabble' in Public Relations writing. Check it out under the "Interim Resume" link below.

You can JUST WRITE ME Yourself AT: . . word-slinger@juno.com..And ..tell me WHO YOU are, where you are and what YOU think!

More on My Interim Resume (translated means ''Other Web Site'')

Please RETURN and visit me again soon.

Links to some of my favorite other sites on the Web

American Mensa Web Page Index. From there, you can link to Mensa around the world

I Do Publicity for Lonestar Mensa, visit their web page also

Key in on Other Members of ''Thinkers International'' with Links to their Web Pages AND Their Photos too!

I'm In A Story, with my own ''by line'' in the May '98 ''Mensa Bulletin''

Visit The web site of Gulf Coast Mensa. Some very Pro-Active members reside there

Visit the web site of North Texas Mensa in Dallas. While a member of that group, I Founded, Originated and Started their group publication, "M-Aura". It is still published today by the same name.

Visit the web site of MENSA 76 which is the Fort Worth Mensa group. When I joined in 1965, the Fort Worth and The Dallas group was combined as the North Texas Group.





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That Choice is Yours!

Guess Who?

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