The Lawyers Alliance for Justice in Ireland (LAJI) is a group of American lawyers, judges, and related professionals committed to promoting justice in Ireland. LAJI has its origins in the men and women who traveled to the north of Ireland in February of 1993 on a human rights fact finding mission.
LAJI seeks to ascertain the facts of reported cases of abuse of individuals within the system of justice in Ireland. Where justified, the LAJI will bring cases to the attention of responsible authorities in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the United States and other interested nations.
The LAJI is not a political, religious or ethnic group. Membership is open to lawyers, judges and individuals interested in human rights. The LAJI does not represent parties, governments or citizens of any country.
No funds are solicited outside of the United States nor are funds transmitted to any group or person in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. The LAJI is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey.
If you are interested or need more information, contact a regional coordinator nearest you from this list. Questions about these internet pages should be sent to webmaster. Web page updated March 21, 2000.
South Armagh Farmers and Residents Committee
The Victims and Survivors Trust
International Orange Watch Committe
Human Rights Watch on the marching season
The Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition
United Campaign Against Plastic Bullets
Committee for Administrative Justice
Case of Danny McNamee, of Armagh
Lower Ormeau Concerned Community
West Belfast Newspaper, Andersontown News
Truth in Ireland Legal Defense Fund
You can contact webmaster here.
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