A Four-Year Transportation Plan for New York City

Earth Day, 2000

N JUST FOUR YEARS, or within the timespan of one mayor's term of office, New York City could be transformed into a vastly more livable place, by making changes in the way its existing streets and subways are used. Waiting for new subways to be built, as important as that may be, will not solve the City's transporta- tion problems any time soon. The systematic approach laid out in the following plan is the best and quickest way to deal with these problems. Acting comprehensively is required if City Hall is ever going to improve New Yorkers' "quality of life." shoes for walkin'

Getting serious about traffic is long overdue. New Yorkers are increasingly aware of the declining quality of urban life brought on by too many cars. Indeed, NYC has long had the East Coast's worst air quality. In such a crowded setting, the mobility of the private car is lost. Worse, this mobility is a poor trade-off for the costs cars impose on all of us: cars kill and injure people, pollute and consume dwindling natural re- sources, divert public monies that could be used to improve transit and consume precious urban space that could be better used for parks, plazas, housing or stores. streetcar

Although a few individuals would be slightly inconvenienced by this plan, the over- whelming majority of New Yorkers would benefit enormously in many ways: enjoying more attractive transit options, cleaner air, a little peace and quiet in their homes, safer streets and more shade trees, benches and open space. Read on! The Plan's 3 Main Elements:

A. Improve transit throughout the city
B. Cut car use in Manhattan by 20%, by 5%
C. Remake streets for people

bike Goals:

- George Haikalis, President
Institute for Rational Urban Mobility, 1998
The Institute for Rational Urban Mobility, Inc. (IRUM)
PO Box 409 New York NY 10014
Phone (212) 475-3394 Fax (212) 475-5051

Auto-Free New York
is endorsed by:
Committee for Better Transit and others.

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