The Car, The Mouse, and The Frog:  Roadtrip 2001!

Indiana to Orlando.  2200 miles, 9 days and 4 theme parks.

<disclaimer>This site is under heavy construction.  All language has been edited down to PG.  Matt is not associated with Disney, Universal, Days Inn, Waffle House, or Spiderman.  Although he wishes he was.  Matt can't keep the names of certain rides straight.  Spelling and Grammar errors are evident on this site.  Please do not feed the animals.  Everything on this site may or may not be true.  Matt is hot.</disclaimer>

To read about the trip in an intelligible order, start by clicking here.

Table of Contents

For those of you who have been here before or are looking for a specific page, find what you need right here.  And if you don't find what you want, shoot me an e-mail.  I'm cool like that.  Plus, I crave feedback.

Home / Cast - The Car, The Mouse, and The Frog.

Day 1 - Indiana, Waffle House, and No Vacancy.

Day 2 - Florida, Ontario, and The Car.

Day 3 - The Car (again), The Rides, and Creepy Animatronics.

Day 4 - Aliens, Ghosts, and Bears.  Oh My!

Day 5 - Rain, Roscoe, and Hard Pizza.

Day 6 - Tornadoes, Aliens, and Evil Robots.

Day 7 - Spider-man, The Hulk, and the T-Rex that ate Orlando.

Day 8 - Deja Vu

Day 9 / Epilogue - The Frog, The Traffic, and Home.

Click here to see what Matt thought of all the attractions he visited at Disney-MGM Studios

Click here to see what Matt thought of all the attractions he visited at Disney's Magic Kingdom.

Click here to see what Matt thought of all the attractions he visited at Universal Islands of Adventure.

Click here to see what Matt thought of all the attractions he visited at Universal Studios Orlando.

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