
In 1982, my brother and I received a Texas Instruments TI99/4A computer from Santa Claus. This was really my first introduction to computers, though my dad at the time had an earlier Commodore Pet dinosaur. Wow we played with that computer alot, buyi ng the programming books from the bookorders at school through Schoolastic. I remember that all of the programs went in and then you went back and made the changes to the generic code depending on what model computer you had. TI99ers always had the most changing to do.

The computer was all grey with grey keys, and did not include the dust door on the side port. We had the basic Artari Waddle joysick, and later acquired two more modern ones over the years. The games that we had for the system were: Aligator Math, Me teor Multiplication, Parsec, Mash, Tunnels of Doom, and Shamus. I remember my dad made maps of all the levels in Shamus for us but we never did make it to the Shadow's Layer in the Red level - came with in one room though! I can still hear that annoying sound when you hit a "wall" when removing shrapnell in Mash, the sound when the Shadow was coming in Shamus, and trying to manouver the Parsec ship through the refueling tunnels. I swear the invisible ships and the really fast fast shooting ones develop ed my dexterity to a whole new level as a kid.

Eventually we got a Nintendo and the TI99 games lost their edge. The PC was put to good use though as I learned BASIC, and other skills at a time when most kids had never touched a keyboard. I always wished I had beat Shamus though - just to see the last room and what happened when you won the game. I am sure somebody must have it on the internet - I could never get any of the emulators available to run though. The screensave available shows the familiar old screen that the computer went to when yo u turned it on or when it crashed!