Lowell Green is the entertaining, highly controversial host of Lowell Green's Canada, a radio phone-in show on 580 CFRA OTTAWA 9-Noon Weekdays. He can be heard on other channels on the CHUM RADIO SYSTEM. He calls his show SANITY ISLAND, and his goal is to cut out the crap that goes on in the government.

Lowell has very Right-Wing ideas, and refers to Lefties as granola-crunching, bicycle-riding, cappochino-sucking, bleeding-heart Liberals. Other familiar phrases of his include "the monkeys are running the zoo folks!" and "Quit complaining and get a real job!". Although sometimes he goes over the edge, it is clean humour, and not crude or vulgar such as the Howard Stern crap invading the airways.

Lowell sticks up for the forgotten Quebec Anglophones and spreads the truths about Quebec Separatists. For these actions, his show has been removed from Montreal and Maritime airways. Politically incorrect, Lowell simply tells it like it is, from demanding tougher laws to combat crime, to demanding lower taxes on small businesses.

Lowell is also seen weekly on CTV's SUNDAY EDITION. He appears as part of the Panel, who discuss with host Mike Duffy the week's most newsworthy national events.

I first started listening to Lowell Green in 1995 during the Referendum in Quebec. Back then he was aired on CJCH Halifax. Thanks to a bunch of complaining special interest groups, they took him off the air here and ratings for the channel have plummeted since. I then had the pleasure of working co-op terms in Ottawa twice - where I listened to the show everyday on my Walkman. The show is later aired at 2AM.

During my last workterm, I called in to the show and was told by Mr. Green that I should sue my parents for naming me Rob (Bob) Rae. This is refering to the former NDP Premier of Ontario who ran the economy into the dirt. I often sent emails which he read on the air this past fall and kind of became this "character" he referred to on his show.

This past September, the Ottawa Citizen did a full-spread interview with Lowell, declaring him the King of Ottawa Radio. I saved it and will put quotes on this page soon.

Currently, I listen to the show over streamworks via their internet site at www.cfra.com. I have a link to it on my "Links" page and you too can download streamworks to here Lowell Green.

Here are some transcripts of letters I have managed to get Mr. Green to read on air during the fall of 1997:

With respect to those who bash Mr. Harris constantly, I must
tell you that other regions in this country would dearly love to have a
leader with the same degree of integrity and resourcefulness displayed by
Mr. Harris and Mr. Ralph Kline of Alberta.

        Finally, I always had in the realm of 30-40 classmates all through
school in Nova Scotia, yet our students consistantly finish ahead of
Ontario in national tests.  In fact, at Dalhousie University, they have
what we refer to as "ketchup courses" which are mainly for Ontario
students to bring their math skills up to par in first year.  I think that
students in your province are simply told that they are academically
superior in this country, so they oppose any changes.  The truth must be
told to them!

Robert C. Rae
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Mr. Green,

Just a comment concerning the choppers mentioned today.  The canceled
contract did in fact cost the country $500,000,000 and several pilots have
died during the Liberal years due to obsolete Sea King helicoptor crashes.
The current machines used by the force must spend 2 hours in maintenance
for every hour in the air.  A machine shop in Montreal was established
because spare parts are no longer made by the manufacturer.

Nearly monthly, the forces has several near-mishaps in the Maritimes
alone.  Common problems include engines seizing up in air, landing gears
falling off, etc.  Also, without modern choppers, the air defence of our
brand new $15 billion Frigates is non-existant.


Mr. Green,

This is just a note to Ms. Madeline who thought that Donovan Bailey
would fail to teach track well because he is not a certified teacher. (not
that you would want him to teach Driver's Ed.)

I hope she realizes that in the real world, courses are tought by experts,
and she may be expected to teach a course in her profession some day -

                                        Robert C. Rae