Ok, I've now lived in Toronto for over half a year and feel more inclined to offer my opinions on it. First of all, Toronto is a love/hate affair. Toronto is huge! It seems to go on forever. You can't walk everywhere like you can in Halifax. This can make it very inpersonal and can drive some of us crazy!!

The GTA has an underground metro/subway system which gets you places fast. The bus system is integrated into the subways to create the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). It also have the busiest highway artery in North America, being the 401. Actually, the main part of the city is ringed by a box of highways (401, 427, Gardiner Expressway, QEW, and Don Valley Parkway) which make getting around quite efficient and logical. Make no mistake, however, these are major highways and are somewhat nerve-racking to drive for the first time coming from a smaller community

The city is generally very expensive to live in, with rent being about double what I've paid in other places. Everything is located here, though, and the city is a mix of cultures and peoples from all over the world. Many times I've been the only white guy on a bus B-)

Living on the subway line is the best choice, but you will pay extra for this privilege. It seems like malls are always packed here (expecially IKEA!!)

Toronto has lots of sports to watch, although people here tend to like only professional sports. In addition to the big pro NHL, NBA, MLB, Toronto has CFL, Arena Football and a new growing craze - Toronto Rock Lacrosse. Yes, it seems that lacrosse is making it big as a professional game, with crowds filling the Air Canada Center.

Quick Facts:

Places to visit