December 2003
I guess another year is drawing to a close and I wanted to update my website on what has happened in my life over the last few years. Today i bumped into someone I went to highschool with back in Dartmouth in Chapters downtown Ottawa. We talked a bit about old times and she told me about the people she knew and what they had been up to - weddings, children, even ones that passed away so young. I relayed all the information I knew and it really made me think about things like where my life is right now and where it is going.
The biggest think that has happened in my life this year was breaking up with my girlfriend and bestfriend of 3 1/2 years. I don't know why things fell apart and I've been really hurting inside for months over this. I guess sometimes you are so out of whack with what is really going on that you don't even realize that your relationship is falling apart.
At work things have gone well for me. I'm preparing to write the Spring Core Knowledge Exam which gets me into summerschool, then write the Uniform Final Exam. This will finally make me a true Chartered Accountant. This has been years of work in progress and has been a goal. But I don't really care so much right now as i feel like my life has sort of fallen apart with me ending up single again. I only had goals so I could spend my life with this person who is now gone and moved on and I feel so left behind and unneeded.
My little 95 Corolla DX which is so chronically underpowered but so reliable is paid off completely. My insurance dropped and my rent is so cheap it is unbelievable. For the first time in my life I am actually putting savings into the bank which makes me feel a bit less stressed if I ever lose my job.
Well in the last few years so many of my friends lives have changed. Jeff Furlong just got married. Matt Wadden lives with my brother in Ottawa. Leslie has a new girlfriend for a year now. Marco is getting married in June and Mike and Samantha continue on together. Dennis has new girlfriend in Halifax and Rodney and I are good buddies to chat on the phone. Of course there is Ernest and Laura who bought a house with a pool and have somewhat of a lunatic for a dog. Cory and Christie have bought a home in Mississauga. Hollie continues her schooling to be a pharmacist and Chris works at the Brewery. Mr. and Mrs Anderson continue to be the rock of their block in Halifax and the cabbing has become a passion. Patti has returned to Halifax and Kimberly continues to work with my at the firm. John P has gone off to MIT and will be back in Toronto in the fall to start his new consulting work. John V got married to a lovely women this summer and continues to be my cool boss at the firm.
Then how could I not mention Carrie - my dearest and closest friend. We've been through some really rough times lately but I hope we can repair things to some degree suitable to us. Carrie finished school and has had a few bad breaks over the year. She starts an exciting new job in the New Year and I hope she does well. I know she will do so well because I have so much confidence in her.
What does 2004 hold for me? My hope is that I get over some of the emotional trauma I've been experiencing and get my CA in the fall. Other than that whatever happens happens for me - obviously there are certain outcomes that I really want right now that may not materialize.
Wow - I really needed to update this! Well, I finished my business degree at Dalhousie last April, majoring in Finance and Marketing. I now have a new job starting in July in Mississauga with an accounting firm. I will be working and doing courses towards my CA designation. In the meantime, I have been taking more accounting courses at Saint Mary's University in Halifax this year, so soon will have a major in accounting as well.
Well, I was going to all the Moosehead games all year as the team hosted the Memorial Cup. They didn't win, but put on a good show and provided an exciting scene around town. This summer, the tallships are coming to Halifax, it will be the largest gathering of such vessels in history - bigger than the Spanish Armada.
I have been living this year in a nice condo in Quingate place, off Quinpool Road in Halifax. When I get to Toronto, I will be gettiing a place out in either Mississauga or Oakville. Also will have to buy a car when I get there - really want a Ford Mustang..but oh dear - the insurance rates!!!! I may even actually attend Toronto Trek this year as I will be living in Toronto by that point in the summer.
Dec 2, 1999
Geez, basically forgot this site was up. Been working much....Wade Company is where I work and basically I am the entire marketing department plus webmaster. I just found a new apartment! Nice two floor condo...have a friend to share the place with...makes it affordable. I'm going to start some courses at SMU in January.
March 1999
Three weeks of school and two exams to go. Whoo job yet but hey, have I put that much effort into looking? Really really bored and tired of school, want to make some money now.
November 20, 1998
Well, been a while since I wrote, so should update things! Now together with sweetest girl I have ever met, consider myself very lucky. Going to Acadia to do the final exam (finally). In January going to London Ontario with friends Ernest, Marco, Rodney, Dennis, and Grant - should be fun. Working as a Research Assistant at the school and have an office there. Was considering buying a new computer - wanted a Pentium 450, would settle for a 400, but now the school is replacing the 486 in the office so may hold off for a while. Miss my friends Danny and Dave not being here at Dal, get kinda bored and long for those old lunches in the Sub (well, Danny never ate anything). L8R
July 29, 1998
great apartment has been leased in Halifax, looks like I even have room to set up a gym. Got the drivers license finally and finances are in good shape. Still toying with class selection, and haven't thought much about impending work term report. Oh, also my corrospondance course - still pretty much slacking off there.
July 19, 1998
This weekend had mixed results. First of all, the parents were away, so I gained a bit of freedom from their constant nagging. On the other hand, I didn't get much homework done - just procrastinating I guess. I am so sick of my job - same damn database every single day, right now I couldn't care less if it is ever finished - I am just counting my paychecks off as the job ends - this is wasting my summer though.
My friend Roman was in town this weekend so that was kinda cool. Tried
a martini, not really my taste, but hey, it was a neat place - MArket
Street Jazz Cafe. i have mixed feelings about how my other night out went
this weekend, but I tried to have a good time anyways. I guess I should
really get a push on trying to find a decent apartment for the upcoming
school year... it will probably be a long, boring year.
The the the That's all folks..
June 26, 1998
Well, thought it has been a whole month since I updated the unknown visitor and his/her nosiness into my life's affairs. So I have been commuting in to Maritime Life during the bus strike while ended the other day with Ernest in a rather unroad-worthy auto. Taking the bus definately sucks, now that it takes between one and two hours to get home again as opposed to half hour in the car
Been hitting the gym more often lately with my older brother, and finding it hard to get anywhere while living on a mostly meatless-diet her at home. I need more protein, and since I quite the Creatine, I cannot lift as much.
An interesting note - my younger brother acquired Transformers - The Movie today, and it will no doubt provide joyess memories of my 80's childhood of He-Man, Transformers, RoboTech, and the whole lot.Missed my chance to play pool for the first time in two months when a server somewhere caused a message to get to me two days late. Oh well, thems-the-breaks.
May 20th, 1998
Now working on workterm #3. This time I'm situated at Maritime Life Assurance Company in Halifax making the big bucks. Also, hoping to pick up a parttime job to top up my summer earnings. Enjoy hearing from my friends from previous workterms, such as Kasia, Roman, H, and Godsell.
Marks were not as high this term as expected. I feel I was cheated in AIS since I worked alone on my database, making a work to be proud of, and recieved a grade less than possible according to his marking scheme. Well, the teacher was a lier to start with, lied what was on both exams and the midterms. Anybody who has a power ego like that...well what can I really do?
Still planning on the move to Halifax in the fall - gonna live cheap, thrifty, and FREE from parents. Maybe even can get a cheap car next spring. Finances are in best shape they have ever been in, CD collection is growing, things are starting to look up!
March 28th 1998
Well, the professers here at Dalhousie are on strike and I have been using this time to catch up on assignments as well as revamp my webpage. The site sat basically unchanged for over a year, so I decided it was time to do something about it.
I recently got hired to work my next co-op term at the Maritime Life Assurance Company here in Halifax. It's a good job, good pay, but is kind of disappointing to not go away for the summer. I had hoped to go to either Toronto, Calgary, or return to Ottawa. But now the plans involve living cheaply over the summer and moving out in the fall.
This past year I have been told twice by two independant sources that I look like the guy on Raison's n Spice Instant I think it is time to do something about that! I guess I'm doomed to be a look-a-like.