Halifax is truly a great city to live in. It is a little big-city, that is it has all greatness of a big city with the charm of a smaller town. Halifax is located on the world's second largest natural harbour and was built by the British as a garrison to protect Nova Scotia against the French at Louisbourg. A large fortress, the Citadel, stands in the middle of the city and the Old Clock Tower is still used to set the local time. Everyday at 12 o'clock, the noon gun fires from the Citadel, telling the locals it is time to head for lunch.

Halifax is a big university town, housing Dahousie Univerisity, St Mary's University, Mount Saint Vincent University, and the University of King's College. It also has a big nightlife, and most establishments are open until at least 2am, with some being open as late as 3:30am. There is a brand new Casino on the waterfront which is open 24hours, and Spring Garden Road is a great place to spend the afternoon.

Most of the Canadian Navy is based in the naval yards in Halifax, as is the Coast Guard. Throughout the day, you can watch huge container vessels and freighters coming and going in the harbour as they unload their goods bound for Canada and the United States. The Nato Fleet makes an annual call, as do many other military vessels from all over the world. Cruise ships make Halifax a port of call, and many tour buses come into down during the summer.

This is an event town, as Nova Scotia loves to put on a party. The Memorial Cup (Major Junior Hockey) was just enjoyed in front of a sold out crowd in the Halifax Metro Center. This summer, the Tall Ships will be calling on the city and it is expected to be the largest gathering of such ships in history, bigger even than the Spanish Armada. In the past, the city has held the G& Economic Summit (1995), World Figure Skating Championships, and the World Canoe Championships. Annual events include the Nova Scotia International Tattoo -a popular military show, and many nautical races.

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