Camp Geddie is the summer camp run by the Presbyterian Church in Canada's Atlantic Synod. It is located in Merigomish, Nova Scotia, on the beach, and looks out to Pictou Island and, further, Prince Edward Island. On a good day, you may even see the cows
grazing on the shores of PEI!
Well, I worked at Camp Geddie as a councilor when I was 18, and very much
like the natural setting that it is in. There has been some talk in the
past about selling the camp, which I hope does not happen. As a
teenager, I went to Camp Bayside, a Baptist-run place which is on Shad
Bay. Those were great times that I'll always remember. I'm sure the
campers at Geddie have the same fond memories from their camping.
The camp now seems to have an official internet site which will give you information as well as some pictures. There is an interesting piece of writing I found online concerning a wel
l-known Camp
Geddie Associate. Now Here
is another page from Dal with lots of pictures
of the camp. You can see the lodge, the bell, the kitchen, etc. I found
this article
about Geddie which includes a few nice pictures!Here are some other
Christian Camping Links:
A view from the front lawn (which a mowed several times! B-) I
took this photo off another sight, so here is your credit if it is