HKPAA 香港公共行政學會 BROCHURE 簡 介 |
Hong Kong Public Administration Association (HKPAA) is a non-profitmaking educational and professional association, which was registered under the Societies Ordinance (Chapter 151, Laws of Hong Kong) in September 1990. It is modelled on the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) in the United States and the Royal Institute of Public Administration (RIPA) in the United Kingdom. The HKPAA Patron 贊助人 is the Hong Kong Government Chief Secretary The Honourable Mrs Anson CHAN, CBE, JP 陳方安生女士.
According to its Constitution, HKPAA's purposes are :
(a) to enhance the quality of practice and teaching of public administration in Hong Kong;
(b) to provide a forum for the identification and discussion of public administration issues; and
(c) to stimulate discussion and to increase public understanding on issues of importance and relevance to public administration.
HKPAA is not permitted to engage in partisan political activities. As such, HKPAA is open to any person interested in HKPAA's purposes, especially to practitioners and academics in public administration. Memberships are for individuals classified as Ordinary Member or full-time Student Member, with the latter category paying reduced annual subscription 會員年費.
Application Form is attached at float (can be reproduced by photocopying), which, together with the crossed cheque for the relevant fee payable to "Hong Kong Public Administration Association", should be mailed to HKPAA at GPO Box 3350, Hong Kong, for the approval of HKPAA Executive Committee.
HKPAA and CityU jointly organised an International Conference on "Public Sector Reform in Hong Kong: Progress-To-Date and Future Directions" with speakers from Health & Welfare Branch and Government Secretariat such as Director of Administration Mr Donald TSANG JP 曾蔭權先生, Dr Patrick HASE of the Planning, Environment & Lands Branch; Mr A RICHARDSON of the Electrical & Mechanical Department, Mr Peter F CRISP of the Marine Department; and Professor Richard CHAPMAN of the University of Durham as well as speakers from CityU, CUHK & PolyU. Sponsored by PolyU, Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre 京港學術交流中心, The British Council, The Salisbury YMCA and Cafe De Coral, HKPAA organised an International Conference on "Hong Kong Public Administration in Transition: A Regional Perspective" with Opening and Keynote Speeches done by Vice-Chairman of the Urban Council Mr LO King-man MBE, JP and Secretary for Constitutional Affairs The Hon Michael SZE ISO, JP 施祖祥先生 respectively. Speakers included Mr ZHI Jun-bo 支峻波先生 of the People's Republic of China (PRC) Ministry of Public Health, Mr YUAN Suo-an of the PRC Ministry of Personnel, Professor XIA Shu-zhang 夏書章教授of Chinese Public Administration Society (CPAS) 中國行政管理學會, Professor Thomas LYNCH of ASPA, Dr Denise OSBORNE of the RIPA International, Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service Mr LAM Woon-kwong JP, Mr Colin SANKEY of the Hong Kong Government Efficiency Unit, Mr YANG Ran-cai, Mr WANG Li-wen and Mr WU Chuan-ming of the PRC Guangzhou Eco-social Development Research Centre, Professor Milton YEH 葉明德教援 of the Taiwanese Chengchi University 政治大學, Professor Herbert YEE of the University of Macau 澳門大學, Dr Steve TSANG of Oxford University, Dr Pan S KIM of the US Old Dominion University, Professor David CLARK of the Australian Flinders University, Dr Roy LE HERISSIER of the UK Highlands College, Dr. Thomas CHAN, Dr Barry Bannister, Dr Carlos LO and Mr Jack LO from PolyU, Dr Hoi-Kwok WONG of CityU, Prof. Yue-Man YEUNG of CUHK, Prof. Ian Scott and Dr Ian Thynne of University of Hong Kong (HKU) 香港大學, Prof. William LIU and Dr Donald McMillen of Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學 (formerly Baptist College) and Ms Elizebeth Freund of Lingnan Univeristy 嶺南大學 (renamed from Lingnan College 學院 in 1999). Sponsored by CityU, the Hong Kong Civil Service Training Centre 香港公務員訓練中心 and the Lion Club of Kowloon, HKPAA organised an International Conference on "The Quest for Excellence: Public Administration in the Nineties". It was officiated by the Secretary for the Civil Service The Hon Michael SZE ISO, JP, with participation of public administration societies from PRC, USA, Taiwan and Australia. A two one-day International Conference was also held jointly by HKPAA and the Efficiency Unit (EU) of the Hong Kong Government under the theme of "Serving the Community" in the Studio Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in Tsimshatsui. Speeches were made by the Acting Governor Mrs Anson CHAN, CBE, JP, Head of EU Mr Robert Footman, University of Western University Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof. Robert Wood, Mr Norman Flynn of London School of Economics (LSE), Prof. Peter YUEN, as well as Prof. John Burns of HKU, Consultant Dr Graham Scott of New Zealand, Mr Malcom Green of RIPA International, Ms Lorette Goulet of the Canadian Centre for Management Development, Mr Ian Beesley of Price Waterhouse, Mr Roger Usher of Coopers & Lybrand, Commissioner of Police Mr HUI Ki-On, Director of Health Dr Margaret CHAN, Land Registrar Mr Kenneth PANG, Mr Jack SO of the Mass Transit Railway, Mr Kevin Hyde of the Kowloon-Canton Railway and Mr Rod Eddington of Cathay Pacific Airway (see photo on front page). |
In co-operation with various tertiary academic institutions and the Hong Kong Government Immigration Officers' Mess 人民入境事務署 長官會所 in Wanchai etc, HKPAA had also arranged series of seminars, lectures, luncheon talks for the interests of both practitioners and academics by :
Besides existing and planned formal/informal linkages with CPAS, ASPA, RIPA International, Royal Institute of Public Administration of Australia (RIPAA), Eastern Regional Organisation for Public Administration (EROPA), Guangdong Public Administration Society, Macanese Association of Graduates in Public Administration (ALAP) 澳門公共行政學會, and our Taiwanese, Korean, Malaysian, Singaporean and Indonesian counterparts, HKPAA had arranged with the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), through the CityU, to underwrite cost of accommodations (excluding traveling expenses) for 2 invited participants (practitioners or academics) from Hong Kong, who would present an original paper at an Australian conference. HKPAA has also recently established linkage with the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM). HKPAA organised field trips and training visits to the Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, the Hei Ling Chau Correctional Service facilities and Department of Public Administration of the Shenzhen University 深圳大學. Under the auspices of the CPAS, HKPAA also visited State Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems 國家 經濟 體制 改革 委員會, State Council HK & Macao Affairs Office Dept of HK Political Affairs 港澳辦香港政務司, Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Public Health Dept of Policy & Legislation, Ministry of Justice, State Commission for Public Service Structure & Establishment Administration, National School of Administration, Hong Kong Basic Law Drafter Professor XU Chungde 許祟德教授 and the Dept of Public Administration of the People's University. ![]() HKPAA's 40-member-delegation posed a group picture with Professor LAI Qin-Xian 賴欽顯教授, Deputy Head of the Department of Public Administration of the Shenzhen University. ![]() HKPAA's 13-member-delegation was honoured with an Emperor's Banquet by Acting President of Chinese Public Administration Society (CPAS) 中國行政管理學會 Mr ZHANG Wenshou 張文壽先生. ![]() Head and Convener of the HKPAA delegation Mr Jeremiah WONG and Mr Anthony CHUA presenting a souvenir of appreciation to Vice-President of the National School of Administration 國家行政學院 Professor CHENG Lianchang 程連昌教授. |
名銜 Title: Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss* 出生日期 Date of Birth (day/month/year) : ____ ________ 19___ 英文名 English Name (surname first) : ________________ ___________________________________________ 中文名 學歷 / 專業資格 Chinese Name (if any) : ____ ____ ____ Academic/Professional Qualifications : __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 辦公室名 職位 Office Name:__________________________________ Position/Rank: _________________________ 辦公室地址 Office Address (for mailing 郵寄用?)*:_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 辦公室電話 辦公室 Office Tel: ___________________Office Fax (for receiving Newsletter locally?)*_____________________ E-Mail (for receiving Newsletter?)*:______________________________________ 住宅地址(請用此作郵寄用?)* Home Address (for mailing - preferred)*: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 住宅電話 住宅 (Day/Evening/Mid-night)* Home Tel: __________________ Home Fax (for receiving Newsletter locally?)* _____________________ 你的興趣Your interests: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 你希望 HKPAA 組織 什麼 活動 和 課題 ? What kind of activities would you like to see HKPAA organise and what topics would you like HKPAA to address ? ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 你 是否有 興趣 參與 HKPAA 執委會 或 組織委員會? 是/否/考慮中* Are you interested in serving on the Executive Committee or organizing committees for HKPAA activities? Yes / No / Considering* 日期 簽名 Date (day/month/year): _______ _______ _______ Signed _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 請將本表及劃線支票(年費港幣150 / 全職學生年費港幣75 附款 "香港公共行政學會") 郵寄往 香港郵政總局信箱 3350. Mail this Application for Membership / Amendment / Renewal* to: Membership Secretary, Hong Kong Public Administration Association, GPO Box 3350, Hong Kong for approval / processing by the Executive Committee. Application for Membership / Renewal* should be accompanied by a crossed cheque No. ________ of bank _______ for HK$150 (Ordinary Member annually)# or HK$75 (full-time Student Member annually)# payable to "Hong Kong Public Administration Association". Two current journals & newsletters are free # for each annual subscription. (# subject to future review by the Executive Committee). Please remember your 會員編號 Membership No: SM / OM -9__ -____ and 到期 Expiry : 31 Mar 200__ For Official Use : Secretary _____________ Treasurer ___________ Membership Secy ____________ * Delete as appropriate 刪去不適用者. Please reproduce by photocopying as necessary 請影印本表用. (991003 update: some personal data can be omitted. In future if renewal can be paid via the web (as in ASPA) security such as password will be implemented according to international standard)