Welcome to the
#politics Parody Home Page. #politics is the Efnet IRC
Channel Devoted to Political Discussion, as Well as
Name-Calling, Ad Hominems, and Occasional Death Threats
To reload this page, simply click on the Main Page link in the left
menu bar. To reload your gun so you can put away a
few more libs, go to one of our favorite sites, the NRA home page.
Please visit the Channel Rules
section of this site to find out which channel rules
the ops themselves ignore. You peons of course —
especially you Kommie DemonKrap peons — are
expected to follow the rules.
The Feedback section of
this site is, as you already probably know, the place
to go for any comments or suggestions you might have.
As far as any criticisms you might have...well, we
have a pretty darn good mail filtering program.
The Links section of
this site contains many important resources for
anyone who is interested in politics. Especially
Conservative politics. Make that only
Conservative politics.
The Meet the Ops
section of this site contains information about the
operators of Efnet #Politics — their likes,
their dislikes, their favorite sexual fetishes. Even
though they have a wide range of backgrounds and
interests, our ops do have one thing in common: a
Republican voter registration.
The Gallery section of
this site is the bone we throw to you peons,
featuring a number of pictures of channel regulars.
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